View Full Version : So fed up, just want to feel normal

03-09-11, 14:55
So I'm getting married in less than 3 weeks time and I'm just so fed up. I've had an extremely bad taste in my mouth for over 3 months - not just dry or a bit bad, but a vile bitter taste that is there 24/7 - food tastes ok but water tastes disgusting.

I've been to the doctors 3 times, they gave me omeprazole but it doesn't help - I'm on the maximum dose now and she said if that didn't sort it then it was 100% not caused by acid.

I also have some mucus at the back of the throat and a bit of a post nasal drip but nothing seems to help that either, as far as I'm aware I'm not allergic to anything. I've tried antihistamines and decongestants etc and nothing helps

I am imagining all sorts - of course I googled and am scared now of liver problems, cancer etc, I have a history of drinking too much and that is panicking me also.

I just feel I want to cry - I just want to feel relaxed and happy for my wedding.

I have searched the forums but couldn't find much on bad tastes that stay for that long, which worries me even more that this is not anxiety :-( I fail to see how anxiety can cause a bad taste that has lasted for over 3 months.

Anyone had this bad taste for ages? x

03-09-11, 15:18
hi allyp82. i suffer from acid reflux which made me have a horrid taste in my mouth. im on lanzrapazole and its controlled it a lot, i do still have horrid taste now and again but its to do with my sinuses as well, nasal drip, and i notice if im worked up my stomach is out of sorts. try sucking mints i know its obviouse to do this but it helps too, hope you feel better soon and good luck with the wedding xx

03-09-11, 18:18
might seem a random question but do you eat pine nuts or pesto ect?

03-09-11, 23:58
trying to relax causes tension !

04-09-11, 03:44
Don't eat mints if you even remotely think you might have acid reflux!

Have they tested you for H Pylori?

The PPI can take two weeks or longer to heal up any inflammation if that is what is happening. Plus some PPI doesn't actually last the full 24 hours. You also must take it at least 40 minutes or so before you eat breakfast.

Been down the same path, just keep taking your meds and if it doesn't clear up in a couple of weeks then make sure to ask to be tested for Hpylori and possibly try a different med. Not all of them work for everyone.

04-09-11, 11:39
I had this years ago when I was going through a stressful time with my son. I tried alsorts but nothing fixed it. It cleared up eventually on it's on. The doctor put it down to stress. I have experienced it since and it does always come at the same time as when I am under a lot of pressure. Maybe once your wedding day arrives it will just go on it's own as everything will be in place. Try not to worry about it too much as you may be fueling it without realising x

04-09-11, 11:41
Just a thought but are you eating properly? An empty tum could cause the acid to play up.