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View Full Version : I feel lost and very alone and no 1 can understand :(

03-09-11, 15:18
Hi I found this site as I done my usual daily ( google symptoms I'm experiencing within my body ).

I've always been ok not worried too much but just recently it's been like I'm a different person. Panic attacks the shakes high levels of fear heart just pounds so hard so fast all day I have good days and bad days.

Bad days Like today I just want to lie in my bed on google or I sleep because when I sleep I can't feel any thing think or be so scared. I was on lunch one day at work and I had a sharp niggley pain up from my neck up the back of my head it lasted a few seconds but threw me and I had my first panic attack afterwards.

Then it got to once a day now it's like three to four times per day. The pain isn't unbearable it's not intense It is just really quite abnormal and uncomfy my ear canal became really sore with it and the doctor gave me ear drops and said I was ok.

My ear is still sensitive I'm still having the weird head twinges like if I move. Certain way my throat down te right side feels like there's a lump in there that makes it tight and hard to breathe and swallow then some days it's gone. Under my Tongue on the right side it feels weird as if ( when u eat pop corn or peanuts and a little piece is lodged and stuck and catching your Tongue ) it feels irritable and I know it's not stuck food as I cannot find it yet the niggle is always there.

It's all down my right side on my head face throat I have been to my GP about once a week for 2 months . They give me the old smile when they see me and tell me it's just GAD - anxiety . I'm sick of people not takin me seriously I'm so helpless and scared. I sit and wider what it could be!? Cancer ? Maybe it's something the doctor can't see ? Should I ask for a blood test ? All these thoughts over take me.

They have offered me a neurologist appointment with the words ( if you think that will help ). Just doesn't help me knowing that they aren't examining me yet they just smile as if I'm a silly child with a fear.

I know this is a long message but I'm really afraid I don't want to die :( I want so bad for some one to just scan my face and neck and see what I can feel there everyday.. It has to be some thing.. It's making me hate my Life. Even my partner looses his temper with me lieing in bed and not wanting to go out because I'm so scared it's cancer and once they c it's cancer what if I have weeks left please don't laugh at me
Because this is where I felt I fit in reading from
Others :( it's so hard !.

03-09-11, 15:55
Thanks I don't know where this anxiety came from but the pains came first they r there it's nit in my mind :( thanks for your help it's nice to know others have this as well

03-09-11, 16:35
Hi missis
It's my first day on the forum today and I've read so many post that mirror what I've experienced.I'm like you and have a whole range of symptoms
and was backwards and forwards to the gp.Luckily my gp is good and took me seriously,referring me for all sorts of tests and investigations.The problem with anxiety is that even though I know my heart is very healthy it doesn't mean the pains in my chest aren't a heart attack..that's because logic isn't always possible alongside panic.I found the symptoms page on this site really helpful.
However your gp shouldn't be dismissive and it's appropriate to eliminate any underlying physical conditions nd not jus dismiss us as the worried well..I work in health and it's an oft use term!!!
No one here will laugh at you..I know exactly what you mean and how scary it is
Be demanding of your doctor..ask for a second opinion if you're not happy..that's what they are there for

Good luck and stay strong..it is really hard and a scary place to be. I agree with Paul distraction is good.

03-09-11, 17:37
Hi Missis
I have most of those symptoms too only my bad side is my left. Googling really is the worst thing any of us can do - I have worked myself into a state so many times by diagnosing myself off google. I am now trying not to do that so much.
Mine started exactly like yours - the neck and head pains came first and triggered months of miserable panic attacks - I was getting full on panic nearly every day as it went in line with feeling the twinges and nipping nerves. I am now doing better (ie. panic attacks have subsided) but still have the neck pain and health anxiety. GP always puts it down to anxiety even though I have alarming numb sensations in my ear. Now I am trying to ignore the symptoms and carry on with day to day activities. I find getting occupied with something really helps take my mind off the constant worrying. I am tackling my neck pain by seeing an osteopath who has found a really stubborn muscle knot in my left shoulder. The thing is to take it one step at a time. CBT is also good - it's working for me :) I wish you all the best as I know how horrible and rotten it feels when all these scary sensations are going on x

03-09-11, 19:14
I want to say thank you to every one it does really help when u all reply :) I do feel better I think I will try and be a little more demanding Monday when I see my GP . I think I will ask for a blood test then I should feel better :) thanks again xx

03-09-11, 20:08
:welcome: hi missislost firstly, most of us using this forum have experianced many of your symptoms and beleive me they can be truly scary!!! making it worse no one understands family/friends/G.Ps, usually because they carnt physically see anything wrong with us, but it can be a very lonely place, your with people who understand and can relate and offer advice, i trully hope things improve for you hun my heart goes out to you, so try and keep your chin up, here is a big hug to get you started :hugs: xx

03-09-11, 20:16
Thank u tatt2 that's lovely however I took advice and read the symptoms page and I feel grounded I feel relaxed xx:)