View Full Version : advice??

03-09-11, 16:01
Ok, don't really know what I expect to happen from posting here, so I'm just gonna tell my story and see what happens.

so when I was in school (about 14 years old) I had pretty bad anxiety, but i got treatment for it and by the time I left school I would have said I was ok and was having no problems. having a hard time finding a job and spending most of my time bored with nothing to do I started smoking weed, now this didn't make me anxious at the time at all, in fact i became a heavy smoker and was smoking weed for about 2 years with no real health problems as such. then I made a dumb decision (in hindsight) and started taking ecstasy, everything was good till one night when i was on it I got the sensation of my jeans being wet (this is where it gets wierd) and it wasn't just the feeling of being wet, they LOOKED wet too, not knowing how this could of happened i asked my friends how my jeans had got wet and they just looked at me kinda worried and said my jeans where fine.

this "feeling" lasted just over a year.

needless to say if you walk about for over a year CONVINCED that the clothes your wearing are wet but no one else see's what your seeing it'll make you pretty freaked out/anxious all the time, and now, even though the feelings more or less gone, only comes back when i'm really anxious (e.g. on the bus, or in a group of people) my anxiety is so bad now I barely leave the house.

I did go to my gp about this when i was still experiencing the wet sensation but he pretty much ignored me telling him i was feeling that way, and gave me some general advice about dealing with anxiety.

anyway the reason I'm posting this is im just sick of being stuck in all the time, not being able to do things with my partner, or meet up with friends.

basically i'm looking for help and advice here because I don't feel i'll get it from my gp.

04-09-11, 11:32
My heart sank when I read you started smoking weed :(
As far as the E goes, I'm not sure how that affect your brain.
I've heard of people having problem after doing drugs, I read of a guy that was left with a permanent odd feeling in his head.
I think you should ask your doctor for a referral to a neurologist , he can better asses you and advice you.
It seems you are a sensory and visual hallucination , maybe medication might help with this?
I would ask to see a Psyciayrist , he might be able to help you with the anxiety.
It could be good to have blood work done, you never know what might have been mixed the E .
You doctor sounds useless. I would seek out a 2nd opionion .