View Full Version : how do other suffers do it

03-09-11, 17:43
hi ive had anxiety for about 4yrs now and got worse over the last year or so but im still strugling, how does any other suffers cope with thier anxiety thro out thier day and stil have a job or carry one doing the normal daily things as i try to just get on with thingsthro out the day i.e house work etc . as im anxiouse nearly all day long and i struggle to just keep carrying on as all i can think about is how im feeling and i think sometimes that mine cant be anxiety as people i know who have it seem to still carry one as normal . i still do my housework etc most days with a strugle but gets me down feeling the way i do . dont know if im doing things rite ware my anxiety is concerned so can any one give me any advice or how they get thro it thks

03-09-11, 18:46
all i can think about is how im feeling and i think sometimes that mine cant be anxiety

And that's why you keep feeling anxious because your fear won't let you ignore your feelings.

I find when I'm like that, the best thing I can do is take a break and find something I really enjoy that fully occpies my mind to allow it to ignore how I'm feeling because when I do that, by the time I've finished the break, I feel relaxed.

If you feed anxiety, it'll keep it alive. Starve it and it'll forget you. A simple "engrossing" break can allow you free of it's grip. Sometimes jobs we do are just so boring, we have to much time to think. The more we think, the more we suffer "boredom stress", the more we feed our fears, the more anxiety takes hold.

What do you enjoy most? Incorporate it into your days at regular intervals to give your mind a break and to keep your fears at bay.:hugs:

04-09-11, 01:18
Tricia, I for one think that you are doing yourself a disservice here....you ARE coping with your anxiety as you are doing at least something to work through it - or with it - by doing housework and keeping yourself busy, and in my own experience that is the best way of tackling anxiety.

I have only recently come off meds and my anxiety is still a problem, but it is a problem I just work with now. I cannot envisage going back to nursing at this present time as I am just too scared the stress will set me back, in fact I know it will, but I can envsiage myself doing something different, but before I just couldn't as I was paralysed with fear of fainting, or panicking. I too sit in admiration at anyone who has just got on with their jobs despite their anxiety. It is so hard.

The best way I find is to just flow with it and keep on going with occupational stuff like you are with the housework, EVEN THOUGH you feel rough. It is so ok to still feel anxious hun. It does get you down, but the more you carry on with stuff, the easier it gets.

I just keep busy and when I am anxious I just say 'well ok, you are back again, I know what you are, and you won't beat me'. Just positivity really. It sounds daft, but it works.

I have had a few panicky moments lately. Like I am on holiday at the moment alone, visiting friends, and a few times I have felt the panic rising socially, but I just tried to ignore it and tell myself I have got through this before and I will again. It helps supress that anxiety and panic.

I know how you feel. It is a struggle. But it CAN be worked through...not necessarily won, but worked with and through.

You can do it.xxxxx:hugs:

04-09-11, 11:35
I empathise as I don't feel I'm coping attall at he moment.My anxiety is so bad especially in the morniig that I am shaking and vomiting and the intrusive thoughts come racing in.I'm still logical enough to know it's not real and by afternoon I can feel almost normal again. Not sure if it's sensitivity to medication but any help with dealing with these anxiety peaks much appreciated