View Full Version : Should I up to 30mg ? please read :)

03-09-11, 18:41
hey guys,
So I have been on 20mg citalopram for 5 weeks now.
And let me tell you it had made HUGE difference for me i had SEVERE anxiety and constant panic attacks.
For the first 2 weeks it got complelty out of control but i was on 2mg xanax a day to counter act it.
i gradually decreased the xanax to 1.5 then 1 now I am on .5mg a day.
The mornings are still crap but i know thats not going to go overnight!
But during the day and evening I am feeling 80% there!
which is a far cry from where i was anyway!
Anyway my question is , i am still on 0.5mg xanax a day I take one in the morning and it seems to do the trick for the whole day for me.
I have tried to not take it and although the day is 'bearable' i can sometimes feel myself heading towards getting very down with irrational thoughts.
i really dont want to stay on xanax and would love to be off it!
Do you think 30mg may be more beneficial than the 20mg for me ?
im guessing you would know a lot more than me!
and if anyone has switched from 20 to 30 did they see a big difference.

Thank you so much for any responses!!

06-09-11, 03:20
I think you should try to wait it out a bit more with the 20mg. Try taking xanax every second day.

06-09-11, 07:43
I asked to go up from 20mg to 30 mg citalopram after about 9 weeks as 20 was not quite enough for the anxiety attacks, but 30 was too much and after being on 30 for a few weeks I have now dropped down to 25 (I have to cut a 10 in half) and 25 is my ideal dose. The anxiety attacks are no where near as bad as they were on 30.

Everybody is different, it is a case of trial and error.
I don't no anything about xanax, so I can't say about that.
