View Full Version : Do you all get better just by taking citalopram

03-09-11, 20:36
Hi Guys

Sorry if this is a silly question but do you all get better just by taking citalopram?

We all have a reason for going on AD but I find a lot say I am great now after a couple of weeks, which is great. What I want to know is, what about the problem or phobia they have surley you have to deal with that also. I know CBT goes along with the AD but I find people on here just say they feel lots better and they havn't had counciling or CBT. Sorry if I am rambling but I just wandered.

Although I am taking 40mg I am still working on my phobia. And how to deal with it which I seem to be doing thank god.

If you can understand me lol feel free to reply I would love to know.

Cathy xx :yahoo:

03-09-11, 21:13
If only things were that simple lol!!!! Some people get better, some seem to get worse, some get better and then worse again......... medication seems very hit or miss.

03-09-11, 21:35
Hi cathycrumble,
I feel better on my meds but ultimately my life is still the same whether i on meds or not but at least the cit acts as a sort of sticking plaster and will give me time to breathe-if you know what I mean.My anxiety was affecting my life in lots of ways and if being on meds means I can relax and enjoy life then why not. However I do think Ill need to address lifes issues before i can come off.-are you still thinking of coming off ? sounds like its working for you and when you feel in control maybe your phobia will lessen ? x

03-09-11, 21:53
Hi Hyg

yes feeling bit better now thank you, as like you it was affecting my day to day living and hate my family seeing me miserable and full of fear. I am staying on citalopram. However, with help from my doctor and claire weeks books and friends and family I am looking at my phobia in a rational way not easy but i think the AD help to do this. Mornings are still bit nervy but I am soo trying to keep positive.

Cathy xx:)

03-09-11, 22:00
I didnt have a specific phobia or anything I suffered a terrible very sudden very close bereavment which started my panic attacks! The anxiety came from the panic attacks! So the medicine is helping to stop the symptoms which cause the panic/anxiety! I feel I have already dealt with the issues surrounding the bereavement although I had no counselling x

03-09-11, 23:23
I didnt have a specific phobia or anything I suffered a terrible very sudden very close bereavment which started my panic attacks! The anxiety came from the panic attacks! So the medicine is helping to stop the symptoms which cause the panic/anxiety! I feel I have already dealt with the issues surrounding the bereavement although I had no counselling x

Hi Kaidensmum

I understand exactly what you mean as when my mum passed away i had counciling from cruise. It was so helpful for me. As I had my mum live with me until she died and my 3 children were all young. I seemed to fall apart after she died. I didnt take medication but the counciling was a god send for me.

I am very sorry as I should have realized that some people have problems other than phobias. And antidepressents help to take that edge off things.

I havn't had the best year 2010 marriage break up, moving house twice in 18 months having a car crash on way to work being told I had high blood pressure. going into hopital with a water infection. Then to top it all I was dismissed from my job after 7 years because I was off work too much. I should be happy now I am finally away from my husband and I have met a wanderful man. But I have developed a stupid phobia of going for blood pressure checks. I must say I am getting to a better place now. so it's all good. I think the citalopram is starting to kick in :) here I go rambling again.

Cathy xx

06-09-11, 03:16
I feel better on it. I don't feel completely better, but it's down to a tolerable level where I can function. If I have a thought at work, like, "They're looking at me and judging me I must be doing something wrong they think i'm weird" before, I would've stood to the side until i was told to do something. Now I just pass it off and continue what I'm doing.

I feel like I can breathe easier, and I don't freak out as much. It's controllable. I do feel better, yes, is what I'm trying to say.

Except for right at this exact moment because I'm PMS'ing. I turn back to my old self almost during that point, but that's probably more due to being on birth control as well as citalopram. They probably cancel eachother out.