View Full Version : Dont drink alcohol with Citalopram!

03-09-11, 20:45
Just thought I would let you know, Ive been on Citalopram now for a fortnight! Tonight I had a few ciders whilst watching tv. I have since had a rapid heartbeat (severely!), sweating and tremors in the hands and bad anxiety! Wont be drinking again! Not saying this will be everyones experience but just a warning! xx

03-09-11, 21:07
Yes I had that last Sunday I had two scotch and coke Bad Bad move. Yet I am ok with red wine. However, I havn't had a drink since last sunday. I was nearly coming off citalopram on monday but still taking them and glad I am.

Cathy xx :yesyes:

03-09-11, 21:27
I posted a thread a couple days ago bout exactly the same thing. I had some white wine and I woke in the early hours with heart palps and sweating ! Figured at the time it must have been the alchohol now you guys have done it I know it was the drinking for sure ! lol-what we like !!! x

03-09-11, 21:58
Im actually a bit gutted!! This bloody anxiety is robbing me of so much I like to do!! I cant smoke (which is prob a good thing) coz it gives me palps, I cant socialise for fear of a panic attack and now I cant even enjoy a drink at home! This just makes me even more determined to overcome this horrible horrible illness :( x

04-09-11, 00:31
Now I haven't found this. I've been on Cit for about 2 months and hadn't drank on them till last week when I went on holiday for a week. I managed to have at least one cocktail a night, some nights I had several cocktails (vodka or rum based) and a few vodka and cokes and was perfectly fine. No headache, no palps, no racing heart or sweating - I felt normal :) Even the next day I was fine!

A couple days before I went away I had a few drinks in the house when I knew I didn't have to go anywhere the next day, to test how I'd respond and I was fine.

Maybe its wise to test your reactions to drink in your home before unleashing yourself anywhere.

04-09-11, 01:03
I think everyone is different.

Some can tolerate it and some can't - you need to find out for yourself

04-09-11, 01:27
Its advised to wait until you have reached your Theraputic level and have stabilised ,before you drink .Then see how you react .Many cant tolerate much and Spirits are less tolerated then Beer in general ..I find I can drink but it makes me more tired ,I also dont need much to feel squiffy ...Im a cheap night out ...:)Sue

04-09-11, 10:24
I agree with Suzy, The early stages of AD's advise do not drink, but when these tabs are completely in your system and you had a few good months then try again. You will and can enjoy alcohol again even on meds. But hold off for now. But remember you will automatically have mild anxiety and worry will it be a bad idea for the first few times anyway

04-09-11, 16:47
I ve been on citalopram for a few months and find I can drink a couple of glasses of white wine, anymore and I start to get headaches:weep:

04-09-11, 19:02
I have a few of pints of lager or cider, only once per week and I've been fine.
It's what I've always done when I meet friends at the local once a week. Glad I've had no side affects.
I used to drink in the house most nights but I've cut this out totally since starting the citalopram.
A Couple of pints on a Saturday is all I have now.

05-09-11, 14:28
I agree during the first 2 or 3 months I could not drink at all, but when stabalised after this period I could drink Beer / Lager. I could not drink spirits at all. I'm now down to 10mg after a year and drink almost anything in moderation ;-)

05-09-11, 20:58
Absolutely. Heavy drinking has set me back quite recently.
Keep away from the spirits and shots.
A few light ales shouldn't be a problem though.

05-09-11, 22:21
I'm been taking it for two weeks now and continued to drink, mostly red wine, with no effect. Hooray!!

06-09-11, 03:11
i've learned that if i drink, the next day i'm horribly out of it and irritable and moody. sooo... i don't really drink.

08-09-11, 15:41
I had about 3 vodka n cokes last weekend after 3months of cit. i was very anxious but i know for sure it was just me worrying about worrying! my doctor says its fine for me to drink

12-05-14, 03:02
Drank red wine Friday night, been on Citalopram now for 12 months. Bad experiences on spirits so thought wine was ok...dead wrong. Ended up bare foot wondering streets until made it to a hospital. This illness is so scary. I find it very hard to work, sleep or even socialize. Going back to doctors today to seek help.

12-05-14, 14:27
Let me join you, i was drinking in the beginning for few weeks, then i stopped and cit started working better, now i drink only a glass of white wine not every night.