View Full Version : Claire Weekes in Practice - Please Help!

03-09-11, 21:32
I have been sufferring from some kind of anxiety disorder for more than two months now. I don't know how severe I am but I'm currently losing a lot of sleep which is severely disrupting my day to day activities.

So i've started reading one of Claire Weekes' books, not the bestseller. One reason i like it is that i can identify very closely with what she describes. In fact, I'd say that she is about 80% spot-on accurate in describing my symptoms. I particularly like what she says about sensitization of nerves and how this may lead to more fatigue, disturbing thoughts and obsessions. However, i find the sections of book about treatment and recovery to be less effective and that's only because these sections are too descriptive and aren't given as exercises that you can practice. I wonder if anyone here was able to take more from these sections and put her methods into practice. I know she describes acceptance, facing etc. but would anyone here attempt some kind ERP themselves?