View Full Version : Blood on stool and paper

04-09-11, 02:21
ok about 3 hours ago i passed alot of blood with my stool and wiped alot away.

I have had a colonoscopy done just under 5 week's ago and everything came out clear and normal.

But i have just been to the toliet and passed a stool and everytime i wipe they is quite a bit of blood, also i have a pain in my right abdomen should i worry but i have had that quite awhile?

Or is it most likely a hemmie? It's really sore to wipe but i think it's coming from inside and when i pass a motion.

This is the most blood i have ever passed how much is to much?

04-09-11, 02:37

I dont know a lot about this but maybe the pain in your abdomen could be constipation which is what caused the blood as if its a dry, hard stool then this could tear the lining of the intestine as its really thin. I saw this on the tv programme embarrassing bodies and the doctor on there said its nothing to worry about just drink lots of water and start eating a varied diet.

Im not an expert and i hope this helps a bit. I am just specualting though as i havent gone through this myself it just sounds the same as a problem i saw on tv.


04-09-11, 02:50
Thank's yeah i am not worried that it's anything sinister just worried because they is blood, i had a colonoscopy to rule out anything bad just the blood threw me.

I have had blood after passing before but they was alot compared to normal.

04-09-11, 02:53
This is nothing to worry about, especially given you've just had a colonoscopy. If your stool is hard it may be that you've had an "anal fissure" I had one before and there can be a lot of blood. Water, fruit and veg is the answer!

04-09-11, 02:55
Well as a girl i know a little about blood..... and believe me there always looks like there is more than there is. Dont worry about that, if you have had tests and they came back normal it prob is just a dry stool thats irritated your bowel.

Hope your ok.x

04-09-11, 02:58
I had a curry last night and about 6 beer's could that possibly affected it? As it's not really hard just soft... And my bum sting's.

And i have been to the loo about 5 time's in 2 hour's.

04-09-11, 03:35
6 beer and a curry would problem irritate a lot of peoples bums. If you are already prone to irritation in that area, a lot of alcohol and spicy food will not help for sure.

04-09-11, 03:52
Yeah i think i found a nice cut above my anus and it has been dripping down i held a pice of toilet paper there and they was quite abit blood... Wondering if i have made a cut from wiping to much?

I'll keep an eye on it as it's bright red and only on the outside of my stool.

04-09-11, 04:23
Try not to wipe very hard and irritate it more. Know this is sort of a TMI issue but when I get irritation like that, I usually keep a disposable cup by the toilet and fill it with warm water and rinse rather than wipe. Have even resorted to a bit of antibiotic cream to help the healing process.

You may want to avoid the alcohol and spicy foods for awhile or even for good if you keep having this.

04-09-11, 05:26
Yeah i am guessing that could have irrated thing's just when you see alot of blood coming out the wrong place's it send's alarm bell's!

macc noodle
04-09-11, 10:19

See the GP in the morning and get it checked out or use your open appt option at the consultants.

It will more than likely be an anal fissure which they can treat quite easily if it does not repair itself.

Macc Noodle

04-09-11, 10:48
Ya fresh red blood is more than likely a tear in your bum.
I had a little cut, didn't know what it was at first, it just burned really bad, then I noticed the blood. It does clear up on it's own, but can come back.
Use some wet tissue to keep the area extra clean after you go to the bathroom.

04-09-11, 10:55
Thank's for the reply's i have been since and it's calmed down alot not as much blood only when wiping now... So using water to wash down instead so i don't hurt myself anymore.

I did go to the out of hour's doctor's as i couldn't sleep and he think's it's nothing serious and could be something i ate the night before (the curry and the lager) he said it should calm down in a day or 2 and to drink plenty water, but to go back to my local GP about my stomach pain.

It hurt like crazy when he checked my rectum i nearly jumped through the roof felt so sore.

It was just so scary to see that amount of blood but when i think about it, it looked like it was more than it was since it was mixed in with mucus.

I will keep an eye on it and if it get's bad again i'll get some medical help.

04-09-11, 11:10
My brother has this problem he has had it for years. He's had all the checks done too and all is ok. He passes a lot of blood it's never good but he has what's called a fisher it's like a paper cut a slight graze/ cut on you know the exit area... It can happen to any one for nothing if you are passing hard stool you can get a fisher cut. But it will re open each you go to the toilet and yes it will bleed onto the stool and paper it stings to wipe and pass stools. It's completely ok though nothing sinister the pains may be constipation and anxiety also as you are thinking of this issue whilst on the toilet it can stress you. Try fresh orange juice and fibres to soften your stools and see if the pains and bleeding stops xx

04-09-11, 11:35
Can you get a fissure from wiping?

04-09-11, 13:58
it all depends on what colour the blood is aswell bright red blood is usaully from lower do wn lik e just inside darker red blood is usaully further up like the colon and if u have piles they can burst causing quiet alot of blood but they usaully ache before hand ive bled there but i had a sigmoid something or other and had the all clear:)

04-09-11, 15:28
Been to the toilet 3-4 times and just a little bit blood when wiping but not all the time.

I am freaking out everytime i go now this is not helping my anxiety :(, also feeling dizzy and lightheaded but i am trying to put that down to anxiety.

04-09-11, 18:33
Well i have been to the toilet twice since and no blood alot of mucus and still a little sore.

The pain in my right aide has increased, could this all be caused by IBS?

04-09-11, 19:02
Hi trevstan

It is most likely nothing to worry about but a trip to your GP will confirm that, if it is a anal tear they will give you cream to heal it which brings a great deal of relief both mentally & physically!

04-09-11, 21:31
Hi huni, I had the same thing happen to me last Friday was so worried straight to docs lol he revered me for a colonscopybthing but reassured me he is sure it's haemaroids. Hope youbfeel slightly reassured xx

04-09-11, 22:01
I was wondering if i am constipated because it feel's like i need to go but i am just passing wind and my stomach is gurrrlging like crazy?

04-09-11, 22:08
Hi I have always been told by my Dr and others that the brighter the blood the closer it is to the outside if you know what I mean like a cut or a little tear, if the blood is very dark it could be something more serious.
The best thing is to keep an eye on it and if you are passing blood everytime you go to the toilet then go back to the Drs and get it checked further, But I have experience of this and went to a&e it turned out to be a little cut and was fine.