View Full Version : How can I convince myself im not having a heart attack?

04-09-11, 11:22
HI all.. im 25 and overweight.. whenever I try and do exercise to try and loose weight I get chest pains.. I sometimes do at other times as well when im not doing exercise..

Iv been to the docs and had an esg and one at the hospital which were both fine.. the doc said its anxiety thats causing the chest pain..

I believe him i really do but I just cant convince myself when i get pains thats all ok :weep:

Its really getting to me and I was wondering if anyone has any tips that make them feel better?

At the moment I just but my hand to my hart and feel it beating which gives me some reassurance but not enough!

Does anyone use heart monitors etc? Is there anything at all that can guarnetee me im not going to have a heart attack as silly as it sounds?

Every time i goo for a poo i worry im about to have a heart attack too which is crazy :(

I think when im fit it wont be a concern but at the moment its really getting to be and im in a vicious cycle

04-09-11, 12:13
I would suggest....... easier said than done I know!!........... that you go on sensible diet and start exercising regularly....... then you can hopefully convince yourself the old ticker's in good nick! How about regular swimming or cycling....... they're exercises you can do comfortably even when you're overweight. Its also worth remembering that a heart attack is very rare for someone your age....... even if they're overweight...... and you've had an ecg to prove your ok.

04-09-11, 12:51
Most chest pain is due to tension in the muscles and ligaments in your ribs etc. I have had it for about 15 yrs and I can get terrible stabbing pains in my chest between the ribs that last for days at a time. I was so freaked out once that I rushed to Dr and for my peace of mind ( she had job not laughing at me!) she did a blood test that would show 100% that I had not or was not having a heart attack and of course it was normal.

I imagine you are trying to get fit too quick for your poor old neglected muscles and ligaments and they are telling you off. Any movement that is new to you can cause pain.

04-09-11, 14:33
I don't know if it helps to know how many of us there are with the same fear but I can assure you that I know exactly how you feel cos I feel it too! I think we have to try and accept the reassurance that the health professionals give us as hard as it is.

You are doing lots of things to improve your heart health so I would try and see it as every day you are reducing your risk factor further and further.

Welcome and good luck

04-09-11, 14:40
Well working out speeds up your heart rate in the same way anxiety does, so both can lead to chest pain.
I would suggest not over doing the working out, start off with light stuff.
Diet wise, avoid too much caffeine , alcohol and cigarettes as they all can cause your heart to race.

04-09-11, 14:42
Maybe your doctor or a gym trainer could suggest some exercises that are a little gentler to help you get back into the swing of things?

05-09-11, 04:39
Agree with all of the other posts.

The poo thing could just be pressure on the nerves. Having loads of GI problems, I notice my heart can race when I use the toilet if I am constipated especially. Toss in anxiety and I am sure it is heart failure. In several years, I haven't killed over Elvis style on the commode. :unsure: