View Full Version : Any help please xx

04-09-11, 13:19

I really need some help, I am 27 years old, 20st 6lbs I drink to much and I smoke to much. I really need to do something about , but i am just so lazy I cant seem to do anything for longer than a week without giving up. I dont think the anx and depression helps the laziness.

I really dont know where to go from here, I am just a ticking time bomb as my mum says.

Please if anyone can help reply to this

Thank you Joanne xxx

Gemma T
04-09-11, 14:13
The only person who can help you is you babe.

You have to really want it. But you prob won't succede unless ur in the right frame of mind.

I gave up smoking over 10 wks and the past 4 days I have relapsed. I just stopped carrying with my anx being so bad.

I'm gonna start again tomo. I don't know how long it will last or if ill kick the habit 4 gd. I won't beat myself up about it and neither should u.

X x x

04-09-11, 14:31
I know, there are days where I Just don't want to move, don't want to go to work, etc (more than I'm proud of admitting). Sometimes, though, being busy and making yourself find something to occupy your time can help with the anxiety. Right now I am working and going to graduate school for my masters degree, and I find that I sometimes don't have time to be anxious. It's giving me something to focus on.

Take it slowly, maybe go back to school if there is something out there that interests you.

04-09-11, 14:37
As Gemma says a lot of it comes from within but I know how much harder anx and depression make things. Be kind to yourself, don't call your self lazy and give your self a pat on the back when you achieve something, no matter how small. You can do it. Turn to your friends here in NMP when you need a boost. x

04-09-11, 19:59
Firstly go and see your Dr and make sure there is no medical reason for your weight gain as in an underactive thryoid etc- simple blood tests. Keep a food diary before you start to change the way you eat and this will make you see exactly how much you are eating every day.

Stopping smoking and losing weight would be incredibly hard so maybe first off stop smoking if nec with help of tablets from your Dr and once you have cracked that then try and lose someweight.

I am not being cruel here but drinking is entirely your choice you do not need it like you do food so maybe cut down gradually rather than cold turkey or the withdrawal will mean you are more likely to relapse.

Again I cannot imagine how you can do all three at once!!! so ask Drs advice.

I understand as I have underactive thryoid and even though I eat what other people would on a diet I am 4 stones overweight but I am trying very hard to lose some. Dr told me that I would need to be very strict to lose any significant weight as my metabolism is not good but even half a stone makes a huge difference to your physical health.

04-09-11, 20:46
I agree with countrygirl on seeing your doctor. They may well be able to refer you for more support. What you're wanting to achieve is a big task -smoking, drinking and weight loss -don't be afraid to ask for professional help. You need support when wanting to make such a huge lifestyle change.

And like Gemma said, don't beat yourself up. And don't let a mistake discourage you. If there's mistakes just know no one is perfect and it's normal. What you need to decide then is what you're going to do -give it all up or start again! (I can also relate to anxiety making you feel extremely lethargic -don't blame yourself for laziness)

Also do you have a faith? As a Christian I know that God wants to help us in every way and He is to be found.

*big hugs* and go for it =)

04-09-11, 21:12
awww hun i no how u feel, although i dont drink and smoke i have a weight problem and as much as i want to lose weight i cant stop eating chocolate etc. do u have anyone living with you? x