View Full Version : Ear problem -advice please

04-09-11, 18:00
Hey i think I have a build up of wax In one ear as my hearing is a lot fainter in that ear, it keeps popping and I get earache sometimes. I have been trying an olive oil spray but that doesn't seem to be working do you know anything else I can try? Do u think it's serious?

Please reply


04-09-11, 18:13
I always have that happen!!! I usually try to clean it out with Q Tips (even though I know you aren't supposed to do that) but it is such a pain. I was actually going to ask my GP if they recommend a medicated ear drop.

04-09-11, 21:24
I'm just having a panic attack as I was thinking that this could be a brain tumour? Or ear tumour? I'm really scared now. Could it be cancer?

Love louise

04-09-11, 22:03
I am starting to feel a bit dizzy now and slight headache has come on. I'm so scared what's happening to me?

Please reply
Love louise

04-09-11, 22:14
When I wake up in the morning I can't hear completely out of one ear for about 2 hours.

I am going to the docs this week as it probably needs cleaning out.

You should do the same.

04-09-11, 22:21
Might be your sinuses Nic.

Have a chat with your GP Louise about perhaps having it syringed/cleaned.

I really don't think it's cancer - you would have other symptoms as well.

04-09-11, 22:24
Not sure Alex - it is annoying and has been happening for weeks now. It used to freak me out but I know the hearing comes back after a few hours but I guess it needs sorting and yes probably syringing.

Not sure you should be using oil though Louise. Go and see the chemist and they will recommend something better.

05-09-11, 05:07
Hey, it seems to be getting worse. The earache seems to be more constant now could this really be wax build up? Any ideas for other stuff I could try to remove it? I'm really freaking out.

Please reply
Love louise

05-09-11, 06:09
See your doctor, he will either clean your ears or give you some medicated ear drops.

you could try a bit of olive oil in your ear with some cotton.

05-09-11, 07:59
Have you ever tried ear candling? I'd try that and a neti-pot (nasal rinse). If those don't help, see a doctor. I can't think of any types of even remotely common cancer (and trust me I know plentyof them) that would present that way as an early symptom. My guess is it's sinus related or just a lot of wax build up.

05-09-11, 09:01
I've got the same problem with one of my ears....... its just a build up of wax. I get these drops from the chemist..... serumol..... and it softs the wax so if you're lucky, it just comes out on its own. Otherwise you'll have to get the doctor/nurse to syringe it out. Its nothing serious!!

06-09-11, 01:32
hey, still having a problem with my ear so i reckon i will have to go to doc but i might pop to chemist tomorrow and see what they suggest. i keep worrying that it might a brain tumour or something serious though. i have on and off earache, ringing in ear and slight loss of hearing. so are these symptoms of wax build up? its been like this for days now and its driving me crazy. i tried using ear buds to get it out but now im worried i pushed it further in and made it worse? my olive oil spray isn't working either. im so worried about it all.

Please reply
Love Louise

06-09-11, 01:50
I really would be shocked if it was any sort of tumor. Those all sound like symptoms of a clogged ear to me, and I come from a family with tons of ear problems. I've definitely accidentally made it worse by pushing the wax further in. I'm sure a pharmacist could recommend something. In the mean time, maybe a warm compress and leaning your head to the side so the wax can shift/come out will ease some symptoms until you can get there. My sisters do that all the time.

06-09-11, 05:23
Louise, those are all symptoms of wax build up in your ear. Definitely go to a doctor, they will be able to clean your ear out for you in 2 minutes and you will feel fantastic. I've had this done loads. The sooner you do it the better because it will get worse and worse and can become quite painful and it will get to the stage where you might be able to hear nothing in the ear (but only for so long as its blocked). Do not spend any more time worrying about this.

06-09-11, 10:16
I am off to the docs this morning about mine so will let you know

06-09-11, 10:51
hey, still having a problem with my ear so i reckon i will have to go to doc but i might pop to chemist tomorrow and see what they suggest. i keep worrying that it might a brain tumour or something serious though. i have on and off earache, ringing in ear and slight loss of hearing. so are these symptoms of wax build up? its been like this for days now and its driving me crazy. i tried using ear buds to get it out but now im worried i pushed it further in and made it worse? my olive oil spray isn't working either. im so worried about it all.

Please reply
Love Louise
You should not push ear buds inside your ear...... you're right, it will just push the wax further in! Syringing is the answer.

06-09-11, 11:21
Ok back from docs and yes you were right Louise about the olive oil. I have to put 2 drops in each night for 7-10 days. If there is no improvement I have to go back and get the ear syringed. If that doesn't work then I have to have hearing tests.

She said the ear didn't look too blocked and she could see 25% of my eardrum (no idea how much you are supposed to be able to see).

She also said it could be the tubes from the ear to the throat are getting blocked at night and to try steam inhalation as well.

So my advice is pop to the doctor's and get yours looked at too and then take it from there like I am.

Just to add that I got a small bottle of olive oil from the chemist with a dropper bottle so it is easier to put the drops in. It was only £2.31 for both items.

Oh and don't shove cotton buds in your ear - you will make it worse !

06-09-11, 11:55
Glad all went ok Nic. Hope the Olive oil works. x

06-09-11, 16:13
Hey, good luck nic. I'm deffo gonna go see a doctor as today the ear pain has been quite bad and earache is awful. I just keep thinking that bad ear pain, slight hearing loss and ringing in the ears cant be a result of wax in the ear so I just keep thinking it must be a brain tumour especially as I'm getting pains in head today. I'm so worried about this. I have had a blocked ear before but that time I was only getting on and off earache and olive oil cleared it up. I'm just so scared. Can wax really cause quite bad ear pain? Its like sharpe pains in my ear.

Please reply
Love Louise x

06-09-11, 16:46
Louise - blocked ears can be exceptionally sore! TOTAL hearing loss in one ear would not be uncommon. Ringing also totally expected. Don't worry!

06-09-11, 16:48
Yours isn't a brain tumour Louise I am sure of that. It could be your sinuses so try the steam inhalation like they advised me to.

07-09-11, 17:18
Hey, I phoned doctors today and earliest I could get in is Monday morning so I have to put up with this pain a bit longer. I tried putting hot water in my ear last night and not sure if that was a good idea but I could feel wax softening but there is no way of removing it. Do you think if the doc syringes my ear then he will be able to remove it? I won't have to have operation will I?

Please reply
Love louise

07-09-11, 17:53
Well they told me the wax will wash itself out with a shower in time.

Umm you won't need an operation Louise - they will just syringe the ear.

07-09-11, 18:22
Yea I hope it just needs syringing I'm just so worried though, can wax cause bad ear pain? Mine is so painful and why won't the wax in my ear come out on it's own? You deffo don't think it could be anything serious?

Please reply
Love louise