View Full Version : Exhaustion, quick pulse, just ran a marathon feeling..

04-09-11, 20:26
This has been bothering me today, particularly tonight. Even when just at rest my pulse is still quick (as if I've just been exercising) And if I go up the stairs or quickly move around the house I feel like I've just ran a marathon!
I am sure I have felt similar but just for reassurance, is this normal anxiety?

Also does anyone else find that doing more socially wears them out? I like being with friends but I find if I have a few days of doing a lot (espesh if I already feel tired or run down) it can make me feel how I am doing now -pretty horrible!

Thank you for any replies.

04-09-11, 20:58
Yes Violet that is normal for anxiety and as you say when you walk up the stairs you feel as though you have done a marathon. The reason is your heart rate is faster than normal both at rest and exercising so draining your energy, completely normal.
When your resting heart rate drops to normal you will feel better going up the stairs and running around the house. Anxiety itself will also drain you of energy so it's a double whammy. Take care

04-09-11, 22:49
Sounds like your exhausted this happens to mr when my anixety is mega high my doctor says it's adrenal fatigue it's ibtresting if you read up about it there's kits of interesting books and soups to help when you feel like this. I fond eating alot breathing exercises help to calm down but it's perfectly normal x

05-09-11, 00:01
Thank you both for the reassurance and advice!

Deepest Blue
05-09-11, 00:27
Also does anyone else find that doing more socially wears them out? I like being with friends but I find if I have a few days of doing a lot (espesh if I already feel tired or run down) it can make me feel how I am doing now -pretty horrible!

Thank you for any replies.

Hi Violet,

I can certainly relate to this. It feels like your mind is having to work twice as hard to not only keep with conversation or activity but also fighting hard to keep the anxiety under control which is so hard because im not relaxed so the feeling of always being conscious of feeling anxious and keeping up with being social does definately wear you out.

It's worse at work because I'm in the kind of job that requires you to attend regular meetings which I struggle with :(

Take care.