View Full Version : Grinding sound in neck, worrying.

04-09-11, 21:47
Hi I have a grinding/creaking sound in my neck every time I turn my head side to side, I am scared that there is something wrong with me.
Is it normal?
Please help I am scared!

04-09-11, 21:55
If there is no pain then it us quite normal and due to wear and tear. How old are you??? In anyone over 40 then it really is expected and as long as its not painful or stiff then just part of the ageing process.

I have severe arthritis and prolasped disc in my neck so unfortunelty know alot about necks!

04-09-11, 22:00
Hi Countrygirl thanks for replying, no there is no pain and its not a new thing but I just notice it more now!!

04-09-11, 22:00
By the way I am 26 so does this mean that its not wear and tear?

05-09-11, 01:57
I get that noise up the back of my neck/head when ever I turn my head.

05-09-11, 02:52
I am 23 and my neck cracks all the time. As long as you are in pain it is fine. The more you crack it on purpose though it will probably just happen easier. I've had xrays, etc. (not for that reason but for other reasons) and everything is good.

05-09-11, 08:13
I have had that for at least 7 years now and I'm 32. Dr's have said it's just from having a very physical job/genetics/getting older/etc. I had my neck xrayed for non related issues (car accident) and nothing was wrong. Granted it wasn't an MRI.. but still. My knees snap crackle and pop too... my Dr joking told me I have "rice crispy" knees... and that most people do. :)

05-09-11, 09:52
My rice crispy knees are so loud that it sounds like I am walking on crisp packets when I use stairs to the point that in public people have asked me what the noise is if its quiet and they are close to me!! But no pain, official name crepitus.

I also snap and crackle whenever I move suddenly after about 6pm so if I stand up and turn round I crack from head to foot but I have always been like this and its nothing to do with the arthritis in my neck at all.

Its normal for alot of people.

05-09-11, 11:05
Lol my knees crack too when ever I bend them.
I'm used to it but they do make a really loud cracking noise !

05-09-11, 14:23
*** as long as you are NOT in pain ... correction to my post!!!

05-09-11, 14:39
*** as long as you are NOT in pain ... correction to my post!!!

Did you know you can edit your own post? Just click on thread tools and then edit post.

Just so you know for the future:yesyes:

05-09-11, 14:40
haha thanks for the tip!!! still new here :)

05-09-11, 19:31
Thanks to everyone for the replies.
I also have cracking knees, ankles and jaw not any pain though Its just at the moment all I keep worrying about is brain tumours, snapping spinal cord and breaking my neck its horrible I know!!