View Full Version : If the Dr says your heart is good ,is it good?

05-09-11, 00:35
I am having a hard time believing im ok for right now. I had a team monitor my heart for a week and they said it didnt as much as make a burp . They said it never beat out of control and basically stayed in normal range. There was someone watching it the whole time on ekg . They also did a chest xray and four ct scanc ,checking my arteries for blockages from head to toe and found the arteries were clear. I dont have high cholesterol ,nor diabetis or anything wrong in my blood or urine and my sodium levels are back up to normal. I am taking three different meds for blood pressure and valium and I am feeling tired and like foggy headed. I told he Dr this but he says my body has to adjust.Im just a little afraid they are giving me too much meds. Im also worried they could have missed something with my heart.I just dont know how to handle everything without worrying.

05-09-11, 00:45

No offence meant personally, but I always wonder why folks whom are anxious about their health bother themselves having tests to see whether something is wrong when at the end of it all - when all is deemed well - they don't believe it anyway?

I guess this is the nature of health anxiety.

It does sound to me like your doctors have carried out extensive cardiac tests on you, far more extensive than anything we would get over here in the UK incidentally. A 24 hour cardiac monitor is about it unless there is true cause for concern. The major thing is that your arteries are clear as that is the most common trigger for a heart attack of course, which I imagine is one of your main worries, in a cardiac sense. The fact that your cholesterol is also low is also a huge positive, which means that the likelihood of blockages forming is again reduced.

Please try if you can to have some faith in the medical profession. I know that the States have one of the best. Also, try to give the meds you are taking a chance to settle into your system as that foggy feeling you mention is probably colouring your vision somewhat in terms of worrying something is truly wrong.

It all sound really good to me.

All the best to you.

Deepest Blue
05-09-11, 00:53

It does sound like to me that you've had a very thorough check up and it's very unlikely those doctors would have missed something especially by checking in more than one area.

It sounds like you have a very healthy heart & nothing immediately causing any risk to it.

Take Care

05-09-11, 01:28
Hi there Michael

So glad you are out of hospital and all tests are okay :yesyes:

I think you're question should be: How can I stop worrying? Because all those test have proved negative and docs have said you are in good shape. When you're anxiety levels come down, so will the health anxiety and then maybe you will see what we are all seeing.

So look at it this way: You have high blood pressure (which you have been given meds for), and anxiety which the valium is for and also why you are on this forum. Bloody good for a smoker (ex smoker now), which of course could be adding to the anxiety, the fact that you smoked for all those years and now have given up. Some people get more anxious, some less, all depends. When I gave up smoking I had more anxiety for a couple of months.

It's not even possible that they missed anything to do with your heart. No one can stop you from worrying, you have to do that yourself, but speak to your doc about your concerns, not about your health but about your worrying so much.

Take care

05-09-11, 01:47
Debs, he was in the hospital due to a reaction to medication plus they found some cysts/shadows in his kidneys I think it was, at first they thought it was cancer that's why he had the CT scans, He also had very high blood pressure which took them a while to get under control. He was in hospital for about a week.
So in his case he was not getting tests no reason.

I had heart palpitations, so my doctor sent me to the hospital where I had tests and they kept me in over night,
4 years later I was having tachycardia, my heart rate was too high, My doctor did 2 ECG's on me within a week , ended up being sent to hospital again for more tests.
So compared to me , your heart seems pretty good! No palpitations or anything, you're lucky :)

Between the x rays and CT scans and blood tests and a whole week of ECGs you really should trust the doctors.

I'm not sure how I feel about you being on valuim, I think you need it for now as you had so much stress lately.
Maybe as you get better you could take it on a need to basis?
I just don't like sedatives for long term treatment. Just my own personal view. Doesn't mean I am right.

You are ok and you will be ok.
I know the foggy feeling is hard to adjust to, but it will wear off.
Same with antidepressants it can take a few weeks for the side effects to wear off.

why are you worrying about your heart?

05-09-11, 16:20
Hey hope your feeling a bit better today :hugs:

eight days a week
05-09-11, 17:12
Sounds like your heart's in perfect shape!

Valium makes me feel very foggy, how much are you taking? I get the impression in the States they prescribe much more than they do here.

Out of interest, how did they check your arteries?

05-09-11, 17:33
Debs71 quote below:-

'No offence meant personally, but I always wonder why folks whom are anxious about their health bother themselves having tests to see whether something is wrong when at the end of it all - when all is deemed well - they don't believe it anyway?

I guess this is the nature of health anxiety'.

Yes, Debs, this is exactly the nature of health anxiety, and it is an extremely distressing condition to cope with.

I agree with Elspeth and Mishel, and I am sure once your anxiety levels come down your health anxiety will improve. Your test and scan results have come back fine - really good news for you. I expect it will take a little while to adjust to the medication - give it time.

05-09-11, 19:06
You've probably had a more thorough physical checkup than most people ever get, your whole body has been scanned, you've had all the blood tests, heart checkup, checks for cancer, if none of these showed anything the doctors were concerned about I think you can take it you are in pretty good shape !

05-09-11, 20:31
l think u should count yourself very lucky having all those test ive been waiting to c acardiologist 4 months my doc said i would get a letter but still waiting and im suffering missed beats extra beats all day everyday im terrified 2 leave the house incase i have a heartattack and i have a 6 month old baby with me and scared it happen and hes left on his own. so please try and belive what they say there a good stack of tests. im preying to god that i get mine soon so i know one way or another. and i can get on and get my life bck.not knowing is the worst

06-09-11, 18:49
Selphie thats a shame you are waiting so long, but maybe it's good if you doctor doesn't think it's urgent? Or else he's not too good?
When I was having palpitations my doctor sent me straight to the hospital for tests and they kept me over night.

But still it's awful you are left to worry and suffer for so long :( And you have a baby?
I'm sorry it's scaring so much you are afraid to leave the house.
I would ask your doctor or the Cardiologist to make sure they revived your letter in the first place, I know waiting lists are long but just to extra sure.
Have you had no tests done at all?
I've had blood work, ECGS, chest x ray, ultra sound of my heart and a stress test.

06-09-11, 21:19
If the Dr thought it was Urgent you would be seen sooner .There are huge waiting lists here ,as Budgets have been cut yet again :lac:.If symptoms increase or things get worse ,ie more symptoms , go back to your Dr Selphie .. ..Hope you are ok Michael ? Hope you are still getting plenty of rest ..Luv Sue xx:hugs: