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View Full Version : My worst panic attack ever yesterday!

05-09-11, 07:17
Hi guyz, I don't usually post on this forum, I am usually on the Health Anxiety forum as I am a big HA sufferer. Yesterday though I had one of my worst panic attacks ever, I haven't had one in ages as I am on medication which usually prevents them. It started with the nausea, and then my head started to feel funny and then all of a sudden it felt like the blood was continuosly rushing to me head, my head was spinning, I really thought I was going to faint or die. I was trembling inside and shaking outside. I was rocking back and forth like someone demented and pulling my hair and nearly screaming out. Thank god my husband was there who held me to calm me down. This went on for a couple of hours and was really bad, and even though it was only 4 in the afternoon I had to take one of my sleeping tablets (zopiclone) which I only usually take at night, but I knew it wud be the only thing to make it stop. Surprisingly the tablet didn't make me sleep but it did slowly made the panic attack stop. I was terrified and don't want to keep relying on drugs, but it got so bad yesterday if my husband hadn't been there I don't know what I would have done, I tried heavy breathing and singing and all sorts to calm me down but nothing worked. I may ask my GP for a smaLl supply of diazepam for emergencies, does anyone else take these for really bad panic attacks and how long to they take to work, or do other meds help?x

05-09-11, 09:28

So sorry you had such a bad attack. I used to get really bad ones years ago but nowadays I seem to be able to manage better.

To be honest I would stay clear of Valium but that's just my opinion. I took them when mine was bad and they do calm you but I never found them quick enough when in the grip of a massive attack and I never liked taking them. Not had any for years.

I remember vividly trying to go into the Post Office to collect my DHS money once and it took me 8 attempts before I finally managed to get there. By the time I got to the counter I was nearly sick and couldn't stop trembling. I think that was my worst ever attack but.............................I got through it

Nowadays I try not to fight it too much. I still get them but by not fighting they are not so bad.

Take care:hugs: