View Full Version : Is this a panic attack ??

14-05-06, 15:53
Felt fine this morning apart from jelly heavy legs. Got up and had a shower etc and breakfast and then went upstairs to get dressed. Wasn't anxious in anyway and then WHOOSH !!! A cold feeling seemed to spread like wild fire across my chest down my arms and legs and I had to lie down. Then felt very sick and needed the loo. Got very weepy and felt exhausted. I have had these "turns" before and my Gp says it is probably anxiety but I always seem to have them when I am in a non anxios state and they don't build like the classic panic attacks - no rapid breathing or heart racing.

Does anyone else get these symptoms ?

Is it a form of panic attack ?

A worried little bunny here 2day



14-05-06, 15:56
Aw Katie hunni. Try not to worry. Panic attacks are all different, there are all different symptoms, most are the same but I am not too sure but in my opinion I would say yours is a form of a panic attack. I get panic attacks an awful lot and they are really annoying at times! lol. When I have a panic attack my breathing doesn't always go funny, it does sometimes but not all the time, so I would say what you are describing is a form of a panic attack. What do you normally do when you have an attack? Hope this helps. Keep smiling.

x x

14-05-06, 15:58
I normally get in may car and got to my mums but today I just lay on the bed with my partner until things felt better. I think I find it hard to believe it is a panic attack and seems to have no source and it totally unpredictable and instant. Is that normal ??

KatieS x

14-05-06, 16:00
That is normal to feel like that hunni yeah. How often do you have them? Once you get used to them I am sure you will just feel that its a panic attack and nothing is going to hurt you. When I first had my panic attack I thought I was going to die when it was happening it was so scary! But now I just keep telling myself its just a panic attack it will pass in a minute! lol. Try saying that to yourself hunni. Keep smiling.

x x

14-05-06, 16:03
Thanks Scooby. Get them about once a week. Last week's was in the car with my mum. Also feel very faint with them and then that makes me feel worse as I have always been told by my GP and counsellor that people with panic attacks don't faint !

Feel better for the reassurance Scooby - its just so scary when it seems to have no source, if I was in a theatre or something I would understand, but when I was just at home getting dressed - scared the hell out of me. Makes me then scared to go anywhere alone in case it happens again unexpectedly.

KatieS x

14-05-06, 16:04
mine is the same sudden rush i call that anxiety as i have had pa in past and i couldnt move but now i just get the rush even when i had pa i never had problem breathing..mine too come on for no reason can be laughing one minute then whoosh it hits me!!! go back to your gp and get help if this is quite new to you you could get help early before they have a chance to take over.i think most people suffer for alomg time before getting help and so it takes hold ...wishing you luck xxxxxx (remember they wont hurt you they just feel bad)

jools xx

14-05-06, 16:06
Thanks Jools. When you say help from the GP, do you mean medication ? If so what works for you ?

Love N Light

KatieS x

14-05-06, 16:08
Aw Katie. Well I haven't fainted with a panic attack yet but I do feel faint sometimes, everyone is different though, so the doctors could be wrong, because I have heard that some people who have had a panic attack do faint. Once a week? Thats not too bad, gosh yesterday I had about 15 in one day! It was awful. Hm........you said that you were just getting dressed when your panic attack came along right? Well perhaps you were just worrying about other stuff? Or what were you going to do after you got dressed? Were you going out or something? Because that could have been what brought the panic attack on. Hope this helps. Keep smiling.

x x

14-05-06, 16:09
Gosh Scooby you poor thing having 15 in one day. I feel silly bleeting on now about one !

Lots of Love to you

Katie x

No mater where you are angels are never far xxxx

14-05-06, 16:11
Aw Katie. Don't feel silly hunni. We are all here for you. Don't worry about me lol I am used to them now! They are so annoying at times though! Was just having a really crappy day yesterday, as I said in one of my other posts I had a headache that lasted for more than 6 hours! It was awful! Have you spoken to your doctor about your panic attacks? Do you see a councellor as it may help. Is there anything else you suffer from? Keep smiling.

x x

14-05-06, 16:13
Scooby - hi yes GP has prescrived Cipralex and they have helped with depression but not anxiety. Being investigated at the moment for Chronic Fatigue/Fribormyalgia as have overwhelming fatigue and aching. Just want a diagnosis really then I could deal with eveyrthing a whole lot better. Have been liked this for 12 months now am not working and have a 6 year old daughter to look after.


14-05-06, 16:15
Aw hunni. Am sorry to hear that. Feel free to pm me anytime hunni. Hope things get better for you.

x x

14-05-06, 16:15
Thanks Scooby xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

14-05-06, 16:22
You are welcome hunni. Just sent you a private message, did you get it?

x x

14-05-06, 16:24
Its ok got your reply lol.

x x

14-05-06, 16:48
hi katies...
when i said help from gp imeant maybe therapy before the need to go on meds.. but just read you already prescibed some? im on prozac now and just beginning to work only been two weeks on it.. but was on seroxat before and that was wonderful lived a normal life on that! still feared attacks but they never hit me..hoping prozac will do the same for me good luck..let me know how you go xxxx

jools xx

14-05-06, 19:06
Seroxat worked for me too but when I felt better I came off it and my GP won't put me back on x

14-05-06, 19:16
Katie, you have described how i sometimes get them spot on !


14-05-06, 19:42
Hi Katie.

How are you feeling now? Any better hunni?

x x

14-05-06, 19:42
You know what Mirry that is great to know - not that you get them obviously but that am not alone.

God bless

Katie x

14-05-06, 19:43
katies.. same here doc wont put me back on seroxat hence me now on prozac...best of luck on new meds heres hoping they work xxxxxx

jools xx

14-05-06, 19:44
Thanks everyone feeling much better - usually when I have one of these "turns" I am in bed crying for the rest of the day. Today with the help of you all I have got dressed gone to my mums managed some luncha nd been much more positive.

God Bless x

14-05-06, 19:47
Aw Katie well done! Thats good to hear. Am pleased for you. Remember we are all here for you hunni.

x x

wayne lewis
08-09-08, 07:30
yes i do. you might feel calm one minute but then a sudden build up of anxiety without you even noticing just hits you. just sit down and get your balance and ull be fine again