View Full Version : need a bit of help bladder issues

05-09-11, 11:19
Hi ive been having bladder issues for a while with spots of blood from urethra after urinating and even once after sex i have all the symptoms of interstitial cystitis blood in urine with dipstick test bladder pain during and after urination i have it all except burning when urinating mine is more of a spasmy ache im going for an ultrasound on saturday because i passed what gp thought was a stone but turned out to be nothing id passed but must have already been in toilet this could only happen to me .ive been seeing spots of blood from urethra nearly a year now its not very often and apart from all the symptoms ive told you i feel fine whats worrying me is all thoses symtoms are also a symptom of bladder cancer and the worry is getting to me because after ultrasound i think they will send me for cystoscopy and that means more waiting this has been going on since i visited the gp for it in april but my gp isnt that worried about my symptoms but she hasnt got them has she im really fed up to day please reply:weep: x

05-09-11, 15:34
Hi Bronte,

I only discovered this site today as am suffering with a few panicky symptoms and what an amazing site! hasn't cured me but I feel better for looking. I saw your post and felt I had to respond as I, too, suffered with bladder issues a couple of years ago. I had spasm-type pain that didn't seem to go, it started like a normal cystitis bout but went on far too long. I was prescribed 3 different types of antibiotics, had an ultrasound and eventually got a cystoscopy! I got myself in a right state thinking the worst too.

For me it turned out to just be a really bad urine infection that left my bladder scarred - this was the spasm pain! I understand your grief, it is the oddest sensation and a constant worry. The doctors were less than sympathetic and insisted I couldn't possibly have a urine infection as it didn't show in my sample. I have since learnt this isn't true. My specialist was lovely, she said you can have urine/bladder infections that don't show which makes it harder to treat but don't be fobbed off by the doctor. She said bladders are sensitive and can scar like any other part of the body. Also, and most helpful to me was that worrying about it DID make it worse! that if we become anxious the weak point of our body can hurt and to this day if I get stressed I get bladder pain or aching!

I just wanted to try and re-assure you that I'm sure it will get sorted, the cystoscopy was completely pain free and nothing to worry about and that by not worrying about it so much my symptoms subsided a lot on their own.

I hope you feel better soon and that you get to see someone.


05-09-11, 19:01
thankyou karen for the reasurance and welcome aboard
jayne x

05-09-11, 20:33
Water water and more water, I bet you dont drink as much as you should and I mean water not tea and coffee, I have the same and if I dont have enough water I get too the point where I hardly wee so that jolts me into drinking more, just off to get some now shall I get you one xx

05-09-11, 21:10
Hi jamangie you have the same as in what symptoms have you seen blood too x

05-09-11, 22:36
Jayne can you ask your Dr to send you to a one stop urology clinic like I was so that all the tests are done on the spot. It may be that your health authority does not have these clinics but as you know my experience was nowhere near as bad as I was expecting. The ultrasound can only pick up blader stones but nothing else ( the radiographer actually told ne this when I had my renal scan at the clinic last week) hence the need for a cystoscopy as well.

I still have my symptoms but these were explained by the urologist and I do have treatment options.

The urologist also said to me that blood in urine under the age of 50 is rarely caused by bladder or kidney cancer but after 50 they always like to double check to be sure.

I would explain to the dr how worried you are and ask about a clinic so you don't have to wait ages between tests.

05-09-11, 22:46
hi there arnt any one stop clinics in sheffield ive been looking thankyou for your reply
jayne x

06-09-11, 09:52
Aw thats not fair I assumed that all health authorities had them, surprised that mine does!

IN which case go and pester your Dr for the cystoscopy then at least you can stop worrying about your symptoms even though you might stil have them


07-09-11, 11:07
Hi everyone i spoke to my dr yesterday as i was having a bad day anxiety wise and told her all my fears about my bladder issues and she said my chances of having bladder cancer is zero to nothing as it is extremely rare under the age of 50 im 45 she has known only 1 case in her career of a person having it under 50 she said have the ultrasound on saturday that will give me more reassurance then we will go from there she says she is not worried and i should try and calm down shes never been wrong yet so why cant i take it in im so stupid
love jayne x

07-09-11, 13:54
have exactly the same symptoms and also know i dont always empty my bladder properly. My GP doesnt belive this as when i had my scan my bladder did empty but this is not always the case. Had swabs, internal exam ect all seems ok except for thrush that has been treated and strep B which is normal??? Was given antibiotics for this but had a reaction so not taking them.
I am seeing a gyneacologist in a few weeks for seperate issues so GP said to discuss it with her.
Constantly have blood when urine is dipsticked but no one seems concerned.
I had this everytime my urine was tested in pregnancy and the consultant said it needed following up so had kidney xray following the birth but nothing else.
This was 18 months ago and i wasnt really concerned as i felt no pain etc then.
But now i have symptoms i am fearing the worse.
I am also not in the 50+ bracket (40) but this makes no difference to how i feel.
Please let me know how you are getting on
Good Luck XX