View Full Version : Help me out :/

05-09-11, 12:11
I am minding my mums hosue whilse she is away that means I wont be able to get home until she gets back and drives me, I don't leave the house.
I am constantly anxious and I'm getting tingles and breathing problems and sweats because I feel uneasy here, I'm alone and away from home and just on edge and I don't think it's going to go away and this is only teh first day :///
I can't rest this feels like hell.

05-09-11, 12:15
I've been turning to alcohll a lot lately and theres quite a lot here i doont know whether to have it :/x
I drank a lot last night jjust to be able to get here in her car, i felt I was dying in the car. Woke up in the night palpitations and sweats and now today this!

05-09-11, 18:51
Have you got a friend or partner that could maybe stay there with you? I really feel for you. How long is your mum away for?

05-09-11, 18:55
My friends are all busy tonight, my best friend is staying at her boyfriends and my partner is at work :(
I just want a hug :/
Thanks for replying xx

05-09-11, 19:11
How long is your mum away for? I can relate to how you are feeling, I often feel very similar when I am away from home, even (and especially) at my parents, which is strange considering that is the house I grew up in and I have always felt comfortable there before. I just feel like when I am anxious I want to be in the safety of my own home.
Could you not go for a little walk just around the block to get some fresh air and stop you feeling so cooped up and stuck there? Anything you can do to take your mind off it? I used to want to hit people who told me when I was anxious 'Do something to take your mind off it'. I used to think 'If only it were that simple'. Try watching a DVD or play a mind-numbing online game. Although it may not totally take your mind off it, it will kill some time.

Sorry, probably not much help was I??

Take care.