View Full Version : whats happened to nopanic

05-09-11, 14:46
HI Just wondering if anyone knows what's happened to no-panic.Iv'e renewed my membership when i rang the office there was no answer i rang the help line just a message saying it closed untill further notice anyone know ?

05-09-11, 14:48
Oh I didn't know that either. I will try and find out for you ok?

05-09-11, 14:52
The message on the helpline is from Colin Hammond. I have emailed him and asked if all is ok. Will let you know when he replies

05-09-11, 15:51
Thanks Nic Thought there was something wrong when had no reply from them about membership.I hope they have'nt stopped running .

06-09-11, 15:14
Ok I got a reply back.

Colin is very ill and had to shut the helpline down over the weekend.

They have now managed to get it back on again so should be working from 1pm today.

Hopefully Colin will be ok as well. I have sent him our best wishes.

06-09-11, 15:51
Thanks Nic Hope colin is soon feeling better

06-09-11, 15:53
Yeah I do too. If I hear any more I will update you all