View Full Version : 2 in one week. wounded!

05-09-11, 15:52
so as you know my dog died a few days ago, then one of my guinea pigs got sick so I had to take her to the vets yesterday morning. Then in the early hours this morning she went into seizure and died. It was awful to see her go like that.

I feel miserable like someone has taken a bit of my heart away. :-( I know it's a bit over the top but I got the guinea pigs when I moved to a new city to cheer me up because I missed home and felt lonely and it worked. It's like they helped me settle in to the new home. The other guinea pig and the rabbit look all lost now :-(
I think this calls for chocolate, a cup of tea and some disney. x

05-09-11, 16:04
Its not over the top at all, pets are like apart of the family well they are apart of the family arent they, so sorry to hear about your dog and guinea pig :( really hope your feeling a little better soon x

06-09-11, 21:20
thanks sammi, I feel a bit better this evening, got all my crying done over the past couple of days and had my bunny rabbit to cuddle :-)
It's just sad not to hear her squeaking when I get up in the morning :'-( x