View Full Version : Weird feeling in head

14-05-06, 20:05
For years I've had this weird feeling in my head, when I get anxious or worried. It's more like one place in my head feels weird, and then the feeeling moves to another place in my head. There is no pain, just a feeling I can't really describe. Is this normal?

april tones
14-05-06, 21:31
Hi, i had this i think?? today! i have put it on my site under fibrochat x

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

14-05-06, 23:16
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">For years I've had this weird feeling in my head, when I get anxious or worried. It's more like one place in my head feels weird, and then the feeeling moves to another place in my head. There is no pain, just a feeling I can't really describe. Is this normal?

<div align="right">Originally posted by FM - 14 May 2006 : 21:05:32</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Im not a Doctor but this one is pretty easy.
Its not 'In' your head.
Its most definately called 'Muscle tension' and its the muscles on the outside of your head.

The Classic one is the 'tension' headache which can feel like a 'band' around your skull.
There are all kinds of varieties on this because when you get anxious the muscles in your neck and and on your head can twist, pull, knot in all kinds of fun ways.

My muscles tensions are pretty close to yours.. I get a sort of 'dull' sensation on the very top of my head... then a sort of 'tingly dull' sensation on the right side top.
That can 'move around' and go back and forth a bit on the top of the head.

Usually, I always have a sort of low-grade 'tension' that does indeed feel like my brain is swollen .. some sort of 'pressure' in my head.
It really is the muscles around the head squeezing tighter.

One of the things I do now is actually USE that sensation to my benefit.
When I notice it - I recognise what sort of thinking Im doing at that time.
Its usually obsessive worry.
Then I stop those thoughts.

The only sorta drawback with muscle tension is that it will 'linger' around sometimes.

My 'home made' all-natural solution: bend you head under a tap of running water.
for some reason as 'hot the better' works for me and the higher the water pressure the better.
Stand at the sink and its actually great if you have to stretch to get your neck down under the tap (I think the stretching is more than anything)
Let the stream of water run right on the base of the skull where it meets your neck.
If the sink is filling up with water then I turn off the tap - submerge your head for a few counts.
Then stand up (you might start sneezing)

For starters - this will bring any panic attack to a quick end but I find its incredibly effective for curing migraines or any muscle tension sensations you have accumulated from stress.

15-05-06, 00:25

I would say its just a normal headache, I had something like that the other day apart from mine was with a lot of pain in it, I have started to have one again today not long ago. All I would say if it keeps coming and you are really worried then go to your doctors about it. But I am sure its just because you are worrying hunni.

x x

15-05-06, 00:28
don't worry I have somewhat similar things. I beat my OCd and anxiety and some advice to you is to get some kind of exercise regimen! My anxiety decreased by 70 percent just by jogging 3 miles everyday! if your not in shape try walking until you get stronger! I know you are having anxiety and it is hard to get up and do something but you have to fight these negative feelings and force yourself out the door! beleive me in time you will feel better! jim

15-05-06, 01:52
Thanks for the replys! I will definitly try JayK's advice the next time this happens. Also exercise does indeed relieve stress and worry, i've been training hard the past couple days, and I finally feel a lot better today. Looks like I'll be training really hard from now on. Thanks again for all the feedback.

15-05-06, 09:10
The funny thing about my 'Head under Tap' routine (it sounds silly but it works like a miracle for me)..

.. I always noticed that, in addition to stretching the neck, loosening the muscles - it would also 'level off' any panic attack symptoms (if i was having them at that time).

Later, it was explained to me that by dunking my head under the water till it was over my ears... and by holding my breath (obviously hehe) that I was actually causing my physiology to go into a 'dive response'.

Your bodys 'Dive' response is something along the 'opposite' of a panic attack in that it wants to immediately SLOW your heartrate and turn your breathing to long deep breaths. (not those short shallow ones in panic)

They say this is exactly why many people will go to a bathroom or a river and cup water and spash their face and you hear 'Wooohaaaa.. now thats refreshing!'
It really does 'reset' your physiological state.

The only problem with my little home headache remedy.... anyone with long or styled hair would find that inconvenient.
Finally... an advantage for me being bald lol!

16-05-06, 01:26
Haha, damn that's going to mess up my nice hair! Oh well, i'll try it when my head feels tension again.

18-05-06, 12:35
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">The funny thing about my 'Head under Tap' routine (it sounds silly but it works like a miracle for me)..

.. I always noticed that, in addition to stretching the neck, loosening the muscles - it would also 'level off' any panic attack symptoms (if i was having them at that time).

Later, it was explained to me that by dunking my head under the water till it was over my ears... and by holding my breath (obviously hehe) that I was actually causing my physiology to go into a 'dive response'.

Your bodys 'Dive' response is something along the 'opposite' of a panic attack in that it wants to immediately SLOW your heartrate and turn your breathing to long deep breaths. (not those short shallow ones in panic)

They say this is exactly why many people will go to a bathroom or a river and cup water and spash their face and you hear 'Wooohaaaa.. now thats refreshing!'
It really does 'reset' your physiological state.

The only problem with my little home headache remedy.... anyone with long or styled hair would find that inconvenient.
Finally... an advantage for me being bald lol!

when my son says he dont feel right i to do this for him i suffer from panic anxiety to i can help him but not help myself his panic disorder was brought on by haveing a couple of fits when he was 13 yrs old he is now 18 and dont have them any more but he still as the panic attacks but yeah it does help him the water thing
bye trish1955

<div align="right">Originally posted by JayK - 15 May 2006 : 10:10:36</div id="right">
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