View Full Version : severe vitamin d deficiancy

05-09-11, 19:15
Just wondered if anyone here has been diagnosed with vit d deficiency, i git my results today and my gp said it is severe deficiancy, my level is 11, which was no suprise really ad u am pretty much bedridden due to having m.e. I have been given some disgusting tablets to take, but wondering if I should have opted for the injections.
Would just like to hear if any one else has suffered with this, what treatment you were given and how long it took to notice an improvement. I have been told that will re test me again when nurse Next comes to my house to give me my b12 jab, but if my level hasn't at least began to rise I may have to be referred to a specialist, but not really sure why. Would appreciate any advice or personal experience's so i know what to expect.

05-09-11, 20:42
http://www.vitaminddeficiencysymptomsguide.com/ this has it all xx