View Full Version : Citalopram day six.

05-09-11, 19:39

So I started citalopram last week its been six day now and I get very anxious at night time, I always have had me panic attacks and anxiety at night anyway but it seems even more so for the last few nights, I am very tired aswell.
I know that these are all side affects arent they.
I just wondered how long it takes to start to feel a bit better? I know its different for everyone I just wondered!

05-09-11, 20:53
Hi Hannah26,
Im in week 4 and I would say it took at least 2 weeks for me to start calming down a bit but has taken 4 weeks for a marked improvement-and yes I felt really tired all the time( slept most afternoons ! ) just hang on in there-it will be worth it. Oh yeah try not to drink alcohol with them until the side effects have gone-I did this and had heart palps !! good luck x

05-09-11, 22:43
Week 5 for me , I start to gradually improve last week really.
Give it time honestly