View Full Version : Migranes

14-05-06, 20:19
'Ello! [8D]

I've had a bit of a search around and found a lot about headaches, but nothing, specifically, about migranes so I thought I would start up a post.

I'm sure it is slightly different for different people, but with me it starts with a small blind spot in the centre of my vision. This then grows but becomes blurry (like its shimmering, I can see through it) and spreads across my middle vision then takes over the bottom and eventually, after about 20 mins shrinks away to the top right. During this time I feel light headed and insubstantial - which really freaks me out - but I'm so happy when it's gone. Then for the rest of the day I have this really intense headache which only hurts when I move suddenly, it then throbs like my head is being squeezed and bright light hurts me. This feeling normally hangs around for the rest of the day and sometimes the next day too.

I've been getting them for as long as I can remember, and I didn't know what they were. I went through all the brain tumour and 'going blind' theories, but through a bit of record keeping - I kept a journal, noted down times and dates of when I got them, how long they lasted and what was happening in my life around that time - I found out I get them during hot, sunny weather and at times of great stress. So I know now they are stress related.

What I wanted to say is this. I've found that if I do yoga stretches and twists (in particular the cobra, warrior 1, upward facing dog and spinal twist poses) it can relieve the pressure and greatly reduce the impact of the migrane so I often resort to these when I feel it coming on (this also leads me to suspect it is something to do with pressure on the spinal column). Oh and wearing sunglasses during sunny weather - despite my tendency to break them [8D] - helps too.

I just wondered if anyone has any other coping techniques for them or any other information. I've learnt to accept them but, as I already said, the blurred vision phase still really freaks me out. I hate it.

If anyone has any questions I'll be happy to answer, and if anyone has any more information I hope you'll leave it here. Take care.

14-05-06, 21:01
Mr. Monkey,

I too have fought with migraines for far too long. I find that the weather (thunderstorms) can cause mine. Also, certain foods are known triggers: msg, ripe bananas, chocolate, you can google for the rest. Foods are different for every person. My migraines tend to be the throbbing kind mostly on the left side of my temple. When I was younger, in my 20's, I did have the aura of light (vision trouble). I am also sensitive to both light and sounds when in the middle of a migraine. Mine have lasted up to 3 days! I usually find that a cold dark room (very dark) helps me when I am sick, sometimes I have nausea, I don't know why I don't have it all the time. It is a mystery. I too have had all the tests many times over as they can't explain the migraines for so many years. I have just learned to live with the pain. I do hope they ease up for you.


14-05-06, 23:18
Hi Mr Monkey

I too experience regular migraines with severe throbbing, nausea, sensitivity to light and sound. Mine are mostly hormonal but sometimes can be brought on by stress and weather changes.

Although I kept a food record when they first started this doesn't seem to be a trigger for mine.

The only thing that helps me is the prescription treatment I get from my doctor. Otherwise I am stuck in bed, in a darkened room with severe pain and nausea for 3 days at a time.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

15-05-06, 12:11
Hi guys, thanks for your replies.

Its eems they are indeed differnt for other people, and I am glad that i can easily cope with mine after the initial disorienting phase. I'm just a bit afraid that they are becoming more regular, and with summer on the way I am going to be due a few more. I wish there was something more i could do, maybe go to the doctor, but I'm not a fan of medication. I fear the side effects more than anything else.

15-05-06, 13:06
hi mr monkey,
hope you are well,i suffer from migraines usually around the time of the month, i used to take a natural remedyfor migraines called feverfew, i also invested in a light mask think it was about £20 just fits over your eyes and you can choose the different levels of intensity to suit you, there are a few different programmes on it and its really good if you use it as soon as you feel a migraine coming on,if your interested i can tell you where i bought oi etc

15-05-06, 15:09
Did the feverfew help? Cos it sound slike you don't take it anymore?

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

16-05-06, 05:01
Gday Monkey
I've had em for years too but without the pain.I find taking 2 paracetamol at the onset of the aura(as they call the blurry bit) stops em pretty quick

Don't believe everything you think.

16-05-06, 10:31
Strangely, I have never thought of that! Thanks :)

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

19-05-06, 17:31
I used to get Migraines with severe pain and nausea then about 6 years ago they suddenly changed and now I get the visual disturbances, wavy lines etc which last about 20 minutes and I'm just left with a slight headache ad feeling a bit washed out for a few hours. My GP told me to take painkillers at the first sign of it to stop it developing into a bad one. He gets them too so he's sympathetic.

Sandra x

20-05-06, 00:34
I get the aura without the pain, it totally freaks me out, I had one for the first time in a couple of years last week and I was so scared because I was nowhere near home and this made me panic, it was horrible. I put this one down to stress as I have started a new job, I'm also a student, I'd been racing around and felt burnt out, all my anxiety symptoms have come back since going back to work and I'm worried now about the migraines returning :(