View Full Version : Citalopram & Premature Ejaculation

06-09-11, 00:27

i've been on citalopram for about a year now for anxiety. I've noticed sometimes it can be quite hard to achieve climax when masturbating, which I discovered is a side affect of Citalopram. However, other times it happens very quickly. I am on 40mg a day, is there a specific time of the day I should take it if I want to get the effects of delaying ejaculation? like, a certain amount of time before sex? does it work like that or is just what level the chemicals are in your brain at the time or something, which can fluctuate?
will taking maybe 2x 40mg X amount of time before sex help any or?


06-09-11, 00:48
Unfortunately there isnt anything you can do about it .It can cause sexual dysfunction , until you come off it .Dont ever take 80mg it can cause Serotonin syndrome if you take too much .You would be worse in more ways than one .:scared15:..Sue

06-09-11, 11:02
I see. after googling around last night I found that some people actually get prescribed 80mg, even up to 100mg though, would taking 80mg on the odd ocassion really be dangerous?

also is it safe to have alcohol and marijuana with citalopram?

07-09-11, 23:42
There was an article on another forum about perscribing high ammounts of Cit ..Its now been found to be inadvisable in doses above 40mg .It can affect your heart rate .Do not smoke cannabis .Drinking is ok in moderation but can cause acute anxiety the next day if you have too much .Its best to wait until you have stabilised on you dose as well . t/c Sue x

07-09-11, 23:46
Also Taking more could actually make you so out of it .you wouldnt be able to do it at all .:winks:...It wont help with your prob just make it worse .Deff no no .There was a member who was taken to hospital because they took 80mg .They had a dreadful experience .....sue x

08-09-11, 08:46
I see thanks for the info.

26-09-14, 09:09
Hello, Super P Force pill helps delay ejaculation; I recommend this website: e-24pharmacy.com which offers better service and a full statement on its use: dosage, dosage, advice, etc.