View Full Version : sleeping issue

06-09-11, 04:26
hi just woke in the middle of the night so got up for a glass of water, whilst feeling slightly panicky trying to get back to sleep whilst drifting off i was still aware and it was like i started trembling in my half unconscious state and my head was going fuzzy and i jolted awake screaming! Almost like i was having some sort of fit whilst asleep as you can imagine im now wide awake and really panicky and shaky, anyone else had this??

06-09-11, 04:56
Not quite as bad as that but I have woken up feeling anxious. It's silly really as I'm going on holiday Saturday with my husband son and fiance and I've started worrying about getting panic attacks on holiday!
I know I'm doing it to myself but I cant stop.

With you, I think between sleep and wakefulness the body can go into a weird state of fuzzyness and paralysis. I have heard of this and my children have said it has happened to them. Nothing to be alarmed about.

06-09-11, 10:40
hi iv had this many of times. iv woke early in the morning only to have a full blown panic attack for no reason. my head feels as if its going to pop, i think its like lindor said being between sleep and wakefulness, and because your not fully awake the first thing to do is panic. xx

miss tink
08-09-11, 12:42
hi ive too had this in early days of my panic attacks.... i use to be in a deep sleep then wake... try going back to sleep but then my mind would start thinking, thinking thoughts that then made me feel unsafe.. vunerable... i use to wake my husband just to talk to him, to know i wasnt alone!! ive spoke to my dr who said its common to feel more anxious early hours of the morning esp if its dark.. hope this helps?? x

08-09-11, 22:51
I have most of my panic attacks after waking up in the middle of the night ( like last night ) I usually go the toilet get back into bed then my mind goes into overdrive and I cant stop the feeling then, I think am usually more scared and they are brought on because am in the dark and everyones asleep and its too quiet to let your mind wonder ! Its so horrible and I feel for you. But just know that your not alone. Hope your feeling ok now xx