View Full Version : Pain sensations in left leg - Pinching, buzzing and tingly also...

06-09-11, 09:34

I know this is most likely anxiety, but I've been experiencing the above symptoms for the past couple of days. I'm worrying myself into thinking that it is something more sinister than just over stimulated muscles and nervous system from all the adrenaline as a result of anxiety. I'm trying to stay calm and be rational about it but in my current frame of mind I'm finding it really difficult! Has anyone else experienced this or can help me convince myself that I am being irrational?!

06-09-11, 10:24
Hi TomTom,

do you know what I could have written the same post! have been getting all sorts of weird sensations in my left leg also, no idea what it is?! I went to an Osteo last week who said, my hips/pelvis are off kilter and like wise with my neck, have got 4 sessions to go so will see how I feel after those...

I get sort of cramping feelings in my left calf, tingling at top of my thigh, pains in my feet etc etc keep freaking out that its something sinister but it has been going on for weeks now so I'm assuming and hoping that if it was something bad I have other symptoms/problems by now?!

I also have a ultra tight/stiff neck which in turn pulls the muscles down my arms and shoulders, ah fun fun hey!

I'm sure it is just a muscular thing from being tense, maybe if it continues go to a Osteo or the likes to see if that helps the tension.

Hope you feel better soon

06-09-11, 10:37
hi guys i have this and i have sciatica, could be for you too. x

06-09-11, 10:51
Rachel, it may well be indeed, do you also get like a pain in your heel when you get out of bed in the morning, sort of like it is bruised or something?

06-09-11, 10:56
flobrien: Thank you for your reply! It has reassured me a bit that someone else is experiencing these symptoms! I feel like I'm totally over-reacting to every odd sensation recently! I'm trying distraction techniques to help me keep my mind off it but it's really hard. I hope your symptoms ease up with your Osteo sessions.

With regards to neck tightness and pains I had that for a couple of weeks! It was really bad. I had really bad stiffness and pressures in the front and back of my neck which made me so paranoid that I was in and out of the doctors every other day! After I managed to accept that anxiety was playing a major role in those symptoms it finally began to subside and now, only after a few days, it has pretty much completely gone! Along with my head pressures as well.

Yeah it's all fun and games when anxiety decides to take over! If only there was an off switch...

Thanks for advice rachel, I'll mention this if I decide to go to the docs.

Thanks again to you both for your advice, I will give it some time to see if it fades. By that time I'm sure there will be something else occupying my worrying thoughts! :wacko:

06-09-11, 11:06
flobrien, when it plays up yes i have "bruised" like feeling at the heel of my foot and tingly, numb feeling
sciatica travels from my hip/back down the back of my leg right dwn to the foot iv got it at the mo' but only in my hip area/ lower back, its not travelling at the moment just achey, hope ur both better soon its horrid i know xx

06-09-11, 12:04
I've been getting pains in my legs, they also buzz and vibrate, I get odd tingly sensations on my feet and my toes twitch.
I do have fallen arches / flat feet so I am more prone to let pain.
I notice lack of exercise and then too much walking brings it on in me.
My legs feel like they need a really good massage.

Have you tried soaking your feet in salt water or taking a long bath?
I always found heat to be somewhat helpful.

For the neck you can get wheat bags, you put them in the microwave and then throw or wrap them around your neck, they fit very well so can be good for shoulder pain too.

31-07-13, 11:31
Rachel, it may well be indeed, do you also get like a pain in your heel when you get out of bed in the morning, sort of like it is bruised or something?

I Do Feel Pain InTheHeal Of My Left Foot And Also A PinchingSensation Down My Left Leg...You Hit It On The Spot.Help!

---------- Post added at 04:31 ---------- Previous post was at 04:29 ----------

Yes I DO Feel Pain In The Heal Of My Lest Leg....Also A Pinching Sensation Down My Left Leg Please Help..