View Full Version : Ectopic's and palputations for 3 weeks !!!

06-09-11, 10:52
I've had palputations and fluttery heartbeats for years and its not something that usually bothers me anymore I just ignore it till it goes away and it usually does it not much time at all, but 3 months ago I got them loads for like 2 weeks solid, got checked out at the doctors and had an ecg and chest xray and was given the all clear, but now i've got them again and had them pretty badly for 3 weeks now, wondering if I should go get checked out again because im not feeling very anxious at all infact I feel pretty good aside from my heart.

thanks :yesyes:

06-09-11, 11:13
Hi Robbs,

I suffer from ectopic beats as well. I got diagnosed last year when I had a panic attack after playing basketball when my heart just started beating totally out of rhythm and ever since I felt the weird sensation of my heart swelling up and then beating quite hard before going back into it's normal rhythm. About four weeks ago I had a really bad one which sent me dizzy (along with a few in a row that woke me up in the night and made my heart pound throughout the next day!) and since then I've been suffering with really bad anxiety, and after a couple of hospital visits and doctor appointments they've given me the all clear...again! I had a chest x-ray, blood tests, ecgs, blood pressure etc etc. All fine. It's finally settled down now, just suffering with chest pains from all the anxiety, for which I am taking ibuprofen and diazepam. I would advise to see the doctor as you may be more anxious than you think. I thought I was fine until I started breaking down. The doctor may be able to give you some advice or possibly prescribe you something to calm the ectopics and/or yourself down a bit. I'd be very cautious about taking beta blockers though as I had a bad experience with the first one I took (it was a 40mg Propranolol for anxiety - can take it as and when needed, up to 2 a day). It made me really hot and sweaty, to the point where I was actually drenched with sweat, and made my heart race even more initially before it settled down. Once it had settled down I was ok but I didn't take any more after that. There are plenty of medications to help or maybe just try some form of distraction or exercise. I found that basketball calmed it down a lot (no issues after the initial panic attack).

Have you had a 24hr ecg or one where they put you on a treadmill?

Anyway, I hope your condition improves and your heart settles down. It may even be that you are coming down with something viral that is making your heart pump faster than normal anyway. The doc said that to me so it may be the same for you.

Best wishes, I hope you get through it ok. :)

06-09-11, 13:09
Hi Robbs.

Could you describe them further. How many do you get per minute? and is it constant?? ie.. several per minute every minute?

06-09-11, 13:18
I find that my ectopics and flutters get worse when I feel the least anxious- it has always been this way for past 20 odd years. Have you been indulging in either alcohol or coffee or chocolate recently??? Sometimes keeping a food diary will show up a connection, in my case it didn't but I find that its after I have been very anxious maybe week or more so have forgotten that they come back with a vengeance.

Never forget they are horrible BUT harmless and cardios consider them just a normal variation. You can have multiple ectopics and although they will make you feel faint they are still harmless.

06-09-11, 20:20
robbs iknow exactly how u feel ive had em non stop everyday all day 4 bout nearly 4 months now i keep going to the docs and they do usaull tests and say im fine but it just dosent seem 2 help. yes go bck if its bothering u let em check so u can put your mind at ease again:)