View Full Version : Hi

06-09-11, 12:42

I Amy,
I have suffered with anxitey and panic attacks for around 10 years, although recently they have become a lot worse and more frequent,
I find doctors useless - i do not take any anti depressents etc as i am too anxious about how i will feel (lol)
I am now starting to experience more frequent attacks when out and about which is a new thing for me and extremely scary.
Due to the more frequent attacks i have made some changes, Gave up smoking, Drinking alcohol, regular Tea, Coffee,
I only drink caffiene free teas (barring a green tea in the morning), at least 4 small bottles of water a day, I eat Fruit and Veg (possibly not 5 a day but extremely near!)
I eat a healthy breakfast, then i tend to eat small meals as i have never been able to manage large meals!

I do have an existing medical condtition called Scoliosis (basically my spine is shaped like an S) although i have had this since i was 13 and this may contribute slightly, Im unsure

I have visited the doctors on numerous occasions, convinced i am dying of something .... And this has led to me being told i am pretty much a hypochondriac which in all honesty is possibly not far wrong but does not make me feel any better at all!!

I did exclude myself from social situations for around 2 years and have only recently begun to get back into my social circle (this could be why i now feel panicky in social situations as it is 'all new' once again)

I have a 'Safety' pack i take with me everywhere (lol) which includes lavender bath salts (to smell) ... numerous caffiene free tea bags to use on the move, a bottle of water, Stress balls - it sounds a bit crazy and i feel like im losing it / dying / never going to feel 'normal' again :(

and it doesnt help that i use google to figure out what any 'sympton' im feeling could be!!!

Well, I have gone on a bit too much and could probably saved most of this for the other forum parts but i thought i would give (quite) a bit of a background as to why i am here

And, even though i wish that nobody would have to go through these horrible / scary 'attacks' and cannot understand as to why we do, I do take comfort in the fact that i am not alone - It makes it a little less scary


06-09-11, 12:46
Hi Miss_Amy

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

06-09-11, 13:18
Hiya, ok firstly you must try and stop using dr google, its bad bad bad! and usually never right!

welcome to the site :welcome:

Kayleigh x

eight days a week
06-09-11, 17:19
Hi Amy, nice to meet you, hope you have a great time on the site here, I'm sure you'll get all the support you need :)

I'm in the same situation, as I've been socially isolated for a good few years now, and am trying to get myself back into the swing of things. Are you socialising with the same people as before? I just wondered what you tell people if you are. I don't know what to tell people who used to be good friends but, because I haven't seen them for so long, are just friends really now. Any tips would be appreciated!

All the best :)


07-09-11, 12:28
Hiya and welcome to NMP I hope you find the help and advice here and maybe make a few friends in the process


07-09-11, 12:58
your love it here loads of help loads of laughs
god bless