View Full Version : bad day today-just offloading. . .

06-09-11, 14:36
Hi all,
Had a brill day yesterday-singing in the shower stuff. Today different physically and mentally. Woke up in early hours with stomach ache-probably Ibs which has kicked off again after starting meds.Just want to sleep all day,which doesnt help when Im supposed to be looking for a job. Lots of minty head head feelings and feeling scared about something but dont know what. Im in week 5 now so I guess the experienced amongst you would call it a blip ! Anyway thanks for reading-if anyone did maybe tomorrow will be a better day !:weep:

06-09-11, 22:37

Thats EXACTLY what I have had. I am in week 6.

Yesterday - perky, chatty, joking around at work, not a care in the world.

Last night, no sleep, woke up at 3am, and felt as bad today as any day in the last five or six weeks.

Now I am apprehensive about going to bed tonight in case I have another bad night and another bad day tomorrow ...

07-09-11, 09:26
Hi, hope you had a better night last night and a good one today. Im not too bad today. Its all peaks and troughs isint it-I suppose if we were nt on meds we d have good and bad days anyway ! All we can do is keep going . . . . :shrug: