View Full Version : Dealing with travelling

06-09-11, 16:57
Hey everyone,

Im going on holiday with my mum in the car to Brighton on Monday, which is 250 miles from where I live, and Im terrified. I have agoraphobia/and a phobia of vommitting which co-incide when travelling in the car. Lately, I havent been able to go far from my house, but really want to go on this holiday because I dont want to let my mum down after shes done so much for me (like caring/looking after me) in the last two years - she needs a break just as much as I do.

Im just looking for a bit of support and advice really….anyone know anything that will make the nausea/anxiety/panic attacks easier? Im so terrified, I dont even know if I can do this, but want to go more than anything...:weep:


06-09-11, 17:08
I have similar issues to yourself. Firstly do you have an ipod/iphone? If not get one! The best thing I have is a hypnotherapy CD given to me by Andrew Johnson (you can download his stuff on itunes) Its a deep relaxation one I have and one for coping with stress/panic. the relaxation one I play through my headphones when travelling (obviously not used when driving) If nothing else it sends me to a deep sleep then I wake up at my destination. After first having depression I listened to this every night and over a month my syptoms cleared. Im not saying hypnotherapy is for everyone but even something similar like playing a game to detract your attention away from the travelling would be good. I find i cant read or i am sick... If there is anything just let me know! Good luck, you'll be fine im sure!

06-09-11, 17:16
I have both an iPhone and iPod - thankyou so much, im just listening to some of his stuff now on itunes, im definitely going to download! Your a star!


06-09-11, 18:27
Super! He is really good. I had a one to one session with him after my 7th failed holiday (its a long story) I have downloaded other stuff but I still find his the best. My boyfriends dad also had a stint of panic attacks and I gave them to him to try and after 3 weeks he returned to work. ITs not a cure but I really believe it helped me out of a deep depression. Subconciously or not!! Let me know how you get on. I couldnt help but register today after reading your dilema... Everything for a reason! :yesyes:
Take care x

07-09-11, 00:14
Awww thankyou, what a sweetheart! Ill definitely be giving it a try! Fingers crossed!
