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View Full Version : Anyones health anxiety worse leading up to period?

06-09-11, 17:09

I am beginning to thing my health anxietys flare up worse leading up to my when I am due on my period.

I already have convinced myself many times and still am convinced I have some sort of cancer, and today I have a new symptom pain in my knee that comes and goes but is pretty painful. I have had it before but not for ages.

I am due on next week and going crazy with anxiety its horrible

06-09-11, 19:07
My anxiety goes crazy before my period, starts about a week before, I also get a bit depressed too, I find my heart races more too and I get palpitations.
It's totally PMS but we tend to be rather sensitive as we already suffer from anxiety.
About half way through my period I start to calm down.

Also when your on your period you are more sensitive to every thing especially pain.

06-09-11, 23:29
YES! I have just wrote a post actually saying this.
I was 6 days late this time, and all week I have been feeling anxious, Sick, weak and I keep checking myself for things wrong with me, not to mention feeling so sleepy.
So Im with you there! your not alone x

07-09-11, 19:30
yes definatley my anxiety heightens a week before and a week after doctor said its all to do with the hormones

08-09-11, 02:56
I get aches, pains, nausea and tiredness 2weeks leading up to my period, my panic attacks become worse during my periods..

08-09-11, 03:37

I am 100% convinced that my anxiety/panic is related to my periods. I also get really anxious around ovulation time. I had my first panic attack the first year of starting my periods and continued to have them only in the week leading up to my period - until I started to have panic attacks on a regular basis.

Last year after complaining to my GP for years I was finally put on the mini pill in to see if I had an estrogen sensitivity It didn't stop my panic attacks but interestingly the heart palpitations that worried me for years stopped and a few other symptoms but I had to stop taking it after 6 months as it didn't agree with me.

I was also told that the combined pill with definitely help as it levels out the hormones but I can't get that as I previously suffered migraines.

I keep track of my period on my phone and if my anxiety levels are extremely high and it's roughly 10 days before my period is due it makes me feel a little less anxious as I then know what's causing it

Lisa x