View Full Version : Dealing with people from cyber life.....

06-09-11, 20:24
I'm going to join Nic in a good old rant.

Ok, so i had a load of old computer stuff ie: monitors, towers, speakers ect which filled up my tiny little linen cupboard. So whilst perusing 'Gumtree' a few days ago, i saw an add for a chap wanting to buy stuff like this as he builds his own computers. So to get a little cash and to give me back my much needed cupboard, i replied to his add and we agrees he'd come out today to pick up the stuff.

Anyhoooo....So he comes in and we blether for about ten minutes, just about the usual, every day stuff anyone would talk about when meetng someone for the first time.

Anyhooooo x 2...About a half hour after he left, i started to get e-mails
To show exactly whay i am talking about, i'm going to paste them here for everyone to see.

I'd like to c u again tho if ud like too
I'm free most days

U r nice and friendly

Wud u want sum fun with me? Lol sorry

Did I go too far sorry lol

Sorry, I'm just fed up at moment and not knowing what I need.
Sorry I will leave u in peace
I am a nice genuine guy really

Ok so which part of, i have some items you could purchace sounds like, 'roll up roll up, BB aka play thing free to any bored male. :doh:

06-09-11, 20:27
Oh my goodness! How odd! Clearly he has NO understanding of social situations!!! Did you reply or just ignore the emails?

06-09-11, 20:29
I replied asking did this 'fun' he was talking about mean fun like playing a game or tiddly winks whist consuming some diet coke. Lol

06-09-11, 20:31
BB should get a taser!

06-09-11, 20:31
Haha! The diet coke might have sold it to him!

06-09-11, 20:33
Pmsl :roflmao:

06-09-11, 20:39
Me and MM will buy you one just in case!

06-09-11, 20:40
Thank you hun. Can i have it in pink please? lol xx

06-09-11, 20:43
Erm was he umm... nice looking lisa!!!!

06-09-11, 20:46
He was lovely and so polite and smiley. Really nice person i thought. I was just so damn shocked that he was now sending me e-mails asking me to *ahem* have some fun with him. Jings i didn't even have my slap on so the poor guys eyes must have been painted on. :doh:

06-09-11, 20:49
Well stuff the coke and tiddlywinks

I'd be getting the tennents out and twinkling the tiddly :D

06-09-11, 20:51
Thank you hun. Can i have it in pink please? lol xx

Of course...with sparkly bits in!

06-09-11, 20:52

Ooeer Missus. Now why didn't i think of that. Wonder if it's too late to say ive changed my mind!!!! :roflmao: NOT!!!!!

06-09-11, 20:52
Of course...with sparkly bits in!

Thank you poppet :yahoo:

06-09-11, 20:54
BB would you like me to reply to his emails on your behalf :winks:

don't mind honestly :roflmao:

06-09-11, 20:56
Batter on agent 'B'

06-09-11, 21:21
"Twinkling the tiddly"! - love it! Made me laugh Di!

06-09-11, 21:27
Can't take her anywhere Lizzie :winks:

06-09-11, 21:32
Nicola will be giving me a stern talking to............i can just feel it in my bones :scared15:

06-09-11, 21:41
He was lovely and so polite and smiley. Really nice person i thought. I was just so damn shocked that he was now sending me e-mails asking me to *ahem* have some fun with him. Jings i didn't even have my slap on so the poor guys eyes must have been painted on. :doh:

Nowt wrong with getting to the point ...Saves time lol ..Dont think its your face he was thinking about BB ..:blush:..cheeky swine ...pfft Sue

06-09-11, 22:13
OMG :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:SHS you crack me up. Just wait till MM see's these shinanigans, there will be some beheading. :shades:

06-09-11, 22:23
Emily can have the Gherkin when MM is finished with his Hatchetting duties ...their her favs ...:D shs

Gemma T
06-09-11, 22:31
Had he not mentioned anything about having fun I would think he's shy. I mean let's be honest. It takes some balls to ask sum1 out. Believe me I've done it. Maybe it came out wrong maybe not. Its a shame he shot himself in he foot coz he might actually be alright x x x

06-09-11, 22:32
Go for it Lisa - you will then have your own laptop repair man on your doorstep :yahoo::whistles:

06-09-11, 22:38
Utter filth!

I will NOT stand for complaints staff harassing innocent members of the public :lac:

Behave BB

07-09-11, 20:04

07-09-11, 20:17
Had he not mentioned anything about having fun I would think he's shy. I mean let's be honest. It takes some balls to ask sum1 out. Believe me I've done it. Maybe it came out wrong maybe not. Its a shame he shot himself in he foot coz he might actually be alright x x x

No i've spoken to him since. He has a partner and a little girl. He's made it quite clear what he wants from me but i can assure you he's barking up the wrong tree. He basicly wants to have his cake and eat it. I have now asked him to stop e-mailing me and have told him straight that i'm not in the least bit interested.

Silly man :lac: Lol

Gemma T
07-09-11, 23:49
Oh right.

Yeh tell him to do one. What a pig. His poor wife prob thinks hes a catch as well. Such a shame x x x

09-09-11, 21:48
Let's taser his balls lol!!!

Gemma T
12-09-11, 12:35
Let's taser his balls lol!!!

lol I second that