View Full Version : why can't i just be happy!!?

06-09-11, 20:30
I am so sick of feeling lke the prophet of doom:weep:...I know, if I can't get hold of my husband i'm convinced he's had an accident & i don't sleep properly because i'm convinced I'll get a phonecall in the night to say something bad has happened, Why can't i deal with things properly? instead of worrying about every darn thing, I worry about things that haven't even happened!! I'm not on any medicine and I am scared to go on the citaophram (sp?) as it makes me have panic attacks again :weep: I've just had enough now...i need some peace in my soul :wacko:

06-09-11, 21:55
Sorry you are having such a tough time x:hugs:

07-09-11, 15:50
Thank you for taking the time to reply hun :hugs: