View Full Version : Anybody had their tonsils removed as an adult?

cheesy pete
06-09-11, 22:27

Been to the ENT Specialist today and he has arranged MRI scan to look at inner ears but has advised due to one particularly large tonsils that I should have them removed. He was pretty blunt as to how painful and uncomfortable it will be but i wondered if anyone had any experience of this?

06-09-11, 23:58
I've not had it done myself, But know a few people who have.
It seems the pain is not as bad as the doctors warn you about.
How much pain you will be in really depends on how strong the pain medication is, so don't be afraid to ask for stronger ones if you need it.
Medication will most likely be liquid, easier to swallow.

How long you spend in the hospital will depend on how the surgery went and how much pain you are, it's different for every one.

Your tongue may feel sore and a bit puffy afterwards, just so you know in advance, it's only because they use something to keep your tongue down and out of the way during the surgery.

You will get white stuff too in your throat but that normal and part of the healing process.

You will be bleeding off and on for a few days while it heals, so chewing gum can help, and it may hurt to swallow so eat ice pops and drink very cold water to stay hydrated.
For the first few day you'll really only be able to swallow liquids like jelly, icecream, milkshakes, egg's etc..

You may be spitting a lot too rather than swallowing because it will be painful and tender.

Try and eat before you take your pain medication, as most pain meds on an empty tummy can make you feel a bit nauseated.
Don't drink orange juice! It will be too acidy for your throat :)
Energy drinks will be good, they will help prevent dehydration.

Like with wisdom teeth surgery, it can be more comfortable to sleep slightly sitting up or propped up with pillows, just because of the bleeding and soreness.

Overall the pain should be bearable with painkillers.
If you are worried about the anxiety let the doctors know, they might give you medication to relax you before and after surgery and for the healing process.

07-09-11, 12:53

I had mine removed a few years ago (when I was in my mid-20's).

It is uncomfortable, but not outright painful. You feel a bit rough after the op for a few days (but that's mostly due to the anaesthetic), and you will have a sore throat for a couple of weeks after and a nasty taste in your mouth/throat too - but it's not more painful than having a bad case of tonsillitis.

Good luck

cheesy pete
08-09-11, 23:02
Thanks guys that is greatly appreciated. The doctor painted a very bleak picture but then i suppose that is his job to do so. Your replies have really helped.

08-09-11, 23:10
I guess your doctor has to warn you off how bad it Might be :)

09-09-11, 13:52
Hi, i had mine removed last year (age 34)
i wont lie to you.. the after pain is not nice but i would do it all over again as i have had no problems ever since....
i was in and out on the same day.... fine for a few days with hardly any pain, just tired and slept.... on about the 4th day it gets sore... scabs over and stinks! lol!
The hospital advise you eat toast and hard things to scrape all the scabs off and keep it clean and heals alot quicker... i lived on egg mayo sandwiches for 2 weeks and after every mouthfull needed a sip of water.. you must also stock up on bottles of ice cold water,, its a godsend!!

best thing i ever did!

good luck xxxxx