View Full Version : new sufferer with dp/dr :(

15-05-06, 01:09
Hi, I posted this in the symptoms category but only received 1 reply. I am really hoping to get some advice from some people.... I have been suffering with symptoms of depersonalization and derealization pretty severely for the last 5 months now. This all started after a night of heavy drinking something I do not do very often... I remember waking up feeling like this and it has been with me ever since. I have had countless tests done and visited many doctors who all say it is anxiety. However this just doesn't make any sense to me how after drinking one night I get anxiety. On top of that I don't really have any other symptoms. I have also read other websites recently regarding depersonalization and some people claim to have it for years or the rest of their lives!! I can't imagine having to live with this forever! Someone please help me get over this!! Is it possible to get this without anxiety!?
Thanks in advance!

15-05-06, 08:03
Hi Sam

Welcome to the forum.

You will find lots of help & support on here.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

15-05-06, 08:48
Please read through the other 'testimonials' about DP and DR (Disassociation) here so you can be relieved to know these symptoms are definately reactions to stress.

Why would they hang around from one hangover day?
Id have to guess for the very same reason one days 'obsessive scary thought' snowballs into a daily and monthly anxiety.
The same way a first panic attack becomes a daily panic attack.. we were frightened so much the first time that we become 'afraid of the fear'.

I know in my case, after the first day I experienced extreme 'disassociation' I become fearful of it.
I prepared myself for the possibility it might happen the next day and even on waking up - I 'scanned myself' to see if the feeling was still there.
Guess what
It was there again as soon as I looked for it.
Then I feared ''what if it keeps happening like this for weeks or more'
Then it did.

It sure does seem like this fun little symptom likes to hang around, lay low and then reappear and its persistant heh.
Try and 'notice it' and then put yourself in a state of mind that you are 'watching it' and 'following its routine'.
Even humour yourself about the way its working.
If it rushes you quickly one day then observe that 'funny dizzy sensation' and how 'wierd that one is'.

Its amazing how this will subdue the Disassociation.
Its almost like its getting 'caught out' and doesnt think its so important after you just look at it humourously for a while.
Starts going away.

15-05-06, 12:47
Hi Sam.

A big warm welcome to the site! You will make loads of new friends on here and you will find lots of support.

x x

15-05-06, 15:05
Welcome to the site Sam
Love Helen

19-05-06, 17:34
Welcome to NMP!

20-05-06, 13:33
Hi Sam,

welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'