View Full Version : Please help me through this blip

15-05-06, 09:42
Hi All

You may have read that my PC is down so not been able to get online except at work :(

Im back at work and last week went ok, weekend went ok until yesteraday tea time and Bang off it goes in a big way, I have come in to work as dont want to give in but am exhausted as didnt dare to sleep all night incase I didnt wake up, I had the shakes, dizziness and all over tingling, lips were awful, so so afraid that this is something else other than anxiety, I felt unsually calm and this has scared me, I feel I want to sit in a dark corner and cry and am struggling putting on this brave face to my collegues. I feel I am loosing control again and have had thoughts just want my life over[V] Just want to get back home as am afraid I going to go mad in front of everyone at work

Any advise or words of support would be apprecaited, Not sure I can do this anymore

Wendy xxx

15-05-06, 09:48
Hi wendy

Im so sorry you are going through a blip (but thats all it is hun) Sounds like you are going through trying times but you will get through it i promise you hun.

Sending hugs you way ((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))

Thinking of you

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

15-05-06, 10:03
hi wendy..poor you like you said its a blip!! keep saying that,you must try to sleep things are worse with lack of sleep ..you will wake up..hugs from me too (((((hugs))))))

jools xx

15-05-06, 10:32
HI wendy.

Its just a blip, I am having one and I found it very hard to come into work this morning.
But we are both doing well.
It is 10.30 and we are still here not going mad yet!

You will be fine. Deep breaths hun.

Big hug your way x

Hay x

15-05-06, 10:39
Hi wendy,

I know how you feel hun, but is just a blip, dont let it get you down it happens to us all. i have had a really bad couple of days usual pains in chest but deep down i know it is my anxiety. take care hun thinking of you Ruth x

15-05-06, 11:26
Thanks for your replies,

I am still here and havent fainted despite having several feelings that was going too, seems im ok when sat down but feel "strange" when walk around, Anxiety is just so unpredictable and frightening, any type of mental illness at my work is frowned upon, a lot of old fashioned style managers who think people are weak to give in to it - am sure if they had to live a day like this would look on it totally differently! :(

Just wish I could wave a magic wand over us all and make this go away, it is exhausting to say the least.

Thanks again everyone, just wish all people where so understanding and supportive as all of you on here [:X][:X][:X]

15-05-06, 11:27
Hi Wendy,

I know what you mean about making a fool of yourself at work, I also went through that in my suffering. Hard hey when we feel like we have to keep a hold on ourselves.

My advise to you is Wendy is let these feelings of dread just wash over you for the time being, if you feel dreadful then you feel dreadful, it is only temporary, your body is just running at 75% at the moment.

I also wanted to cry and thought about ending it all, but god am I so glad I did not, you can get better Wendy I promise. All the feelings your are feeling is anxiety , I had everyone you are talking about, the main thing is not to be too impressed by the way you feel at any given moment. I used to close my eyes and feel like i was floating from the bed, I used to smile at it, at one time it terrified me, it passed in time when I took the importance out of it.

Wendy I know it is hard but please just try not to be too impressed by the way you feel and try to step aside from your body, let it play it's tricks for the time being, it is all the worrying and self-pity you feel at the moment that can make you feel worse and keep you feeling this way.

I know it is hard not to feel sorry for ourselves at this time, but just for me just try and accept the way you feel for the time being and you will come through this little blip.

Take care


15-05-06, 12:01

your doing good, dont let this blip get to you, i know it is hard but it will pass and it seems a neverending process but there is light at the end of the tunnel. I always had the faint feeling thought i was going to pass out usual thoughts. but it passed and i am still here its hard becuase you think that you are the only one and you are so frightened of the thought of it happening to you but by being frightened we are just reinforcing the issue. keep up the good work and dont forget we are all going throught the same thing, you are not alone ruthb1 x

15-05-06, 12:21
Hi Wendy

Hang in there hun! The day is passing and you can be so proud of yourself for getting there at all after not sleeping - let's face it anybody would feel odd with no sleep!!!

What helped me when I was at work was to tell myself I could leave when ever I wanted... and that made me realise I DID want to be there, I wanted to feel I COULD work, earn money, feel part of the 'real' world etc... Many days just before xmas accessing this site kept me sane!!! (thank god for the internet at work!!).

I return to work after 3 months off next week so show me how its done eh?

And you'll be surprised how many people around you are struggling too but probably won't admit it!!!

Good luck hun xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

15-05-06, 13:03
Hi Wendy
Well done for getting into work when yuo're not feeling too good. It is only a blip! Keep going, its such an achievement and you can do it! Just take some time and don't put too much pressure on yourself.
Good luck, thinking of you


'This too will pass'

15-05-06, 14:38

Hang in there hun. I know you can do it. Even people who don't have this sometimes want to run from work screaming! Try to not be so hard on yourself and realize that you will have these blips from time to time and that you are so strong you will get through them.


15-05-06, 15:10
Hi Wendy - you're doing great, just keep telling yourself its a blip and that things will get better again. Hang in there.
Love Helen

marie ross
15-05-06, 16:03
Hi Wendy

Your're doing really well, you're bound to feel rubbish if you hav'nt had any sleep. I hate it if i hav'nt had a good nights sleep because i know that in the morning i'm going to have a lousy day and feel even more anxious and panicky. I've just got in from work(thank god) i had no anxiety until i realised that i've got to leave out and go and pick the kids up from school, then of course i start feeling dizzy and unreal, but like you i make myself do it day in day out and hopefullly one day i'll do it and realise i've not panicked. As for your managers, sound exactly the same as mine (I've heard them laughing about mental illness, so hav'nt dared told them about me) Like you said if they had anxiety for just one day they would think very differently. Like everyone else has said it'd just a small blip and you will get through it.

Take care.

Marie XXX

15-05-06, 17:02
You are doing brilliantly coping with this difficult episode - don't give up!
Here's one way to look at it that will definitely help: it involves remembering just TWO simple but important things.
FIRST, just take every hour one hour at a time. Sometimes you'll be aware of an hour passing, other times a couple of hours will go by before you remember to notice. Either way, just get through hour by hour. Little step after little step.
SECONDLY - remember to congratulate yourself EVERY time you successfully negotiate another hour of the day! You have done it! You have succeeded. YOU ARE LIVING SUCCESSFULLY! Tell yourself this every hour you get through. You deserve the praise. You will be wonderfully surprised how the positive 'strokes' you give yourself accumulate during the day, and over the days that pass.
Everyone here believes in you - I can tell that. You can do it - go out and get 'em!
And let us know how you get on.
Big hugs, warmest support and all the best!

15-05-06, 18:12
Wendy - well done getting through your day. i know what you mean about the dizziness and breathlessness thing and worrying about what your bosses will think. I have the same problem which is mad coz over a third of the population have some sort of mental illness!!! Well done xx Wenjoy

15-05-06, 19:12
Hi Wendy,

well done for getting through the day. Another success...you should give yourself a huge pat on the back. I think the idea of taking it an hour at a time is great (think I'll try that myself). It is a blip and it will pass, but meantime you have my sympathy cos I know how it feels (and I'm sure many others do too) to struggle to get through each day. Youre doing great!

take care

Coni X

16-05-06, 08:47
Thanks all, Your words of support do make the difference! Well I made it through the day without dying or fainting [:I][:I][:I], had a good nights sleep am still ANXIOUS, yep anxious not dying today and just feel generally exhausted. I have an all morning meeting to go through soon that was going to back out of but think im going to give it a go! Wont be easy but guess anxiety is never easy, Have a good day all,

Thanks again

Wendy xx

16-05-06, 09:13
Hi there, I too have had the week from hell, anxiety throught the roof and panics that are just unbelievably bad, worst in 15 years. However, I kept working and hard though it is, it is the best thing to do as you are living proof that the beleif we have that we will faint/throw up/collapse/die/embarrase ourselves, goes unproven.....yet again because you survived each panic, didn't you.

PLEASE READ "when the gloves come off" it's on this website, it is a fantastic peice of writing which gives you solid facts about anxiety. I felt very much heartened when I read it. Believe what it says, it's true.

Two heads
16-05-06, 20:26
Hi wendy!
Your doing so well hun,just dont give in.Things can only improve for you,just dont be scared of that gremlin!xxx

17-05-06, 07:52
Thanks everyone!

I will take an hour at a time, good idea

Its crazy that had awful few days then woke up this morning and can feel the anxiety fading. What a strange illness it is!! You words again have help me through xx