View Full Version : is my skull normal?

Gemma T
07-09-11, 18:36
I have an odd question about the shape of my skull

On both sides of my skull, toward the top and more towards the back I have what I can best describe as road hump type things. My left sticks out a lot more then the right.

Is this normal?i

07-09-11, 19:02
Everyones skulls has lumps and bumps all over them, so sounds quite normal

Gemma T
07-09-11, 23:51
Thanks Mike.

Since i hit my head ive been expecting every lump and bump thinking ive compressed it somehow and thats why its sticking out.

x x x

Gemma T
09-09-11, 15:42
Anyone else with any imput?

I am a little worried as I hit my head on the left the other week and dont remember it being like this prior to that.

I have been a and e and had some tests done but forget to mention my odd head shape. I didnt have a scan or anything. Said was a mild concussion.

Just cant stop the over thinking. I really hate feeling like this.

Thanks x x x

09-09-11, 15:51
You are fine!

Gemma T
09-09-11, 16:11
Do u have wat I'm talking about?

09-09-11, 16:14
Do u have wat I'm talking about?

I have lots of bumps and risen bits on my head.

09-09-11, 16:16
Miss T!!!
Your lumps & bumps are in all the right places I am sure of it...LOL xx

Gemma T
09-09-11, 16:16
Yh I'm being stupid. I need a new hobby.

On the plus side I've been thinking aot less about my phantom oral cancer x x x

09-09-11, 16:18
Yh I'm being stupid. I need a new hobby.

On the plus side I've been thinking aot less about my phantom oral cancer x x x

My stroke symptoms have gone so it's all good lol xxx

Gemma T
09-09-11, 16:18
Miss T!!!
Your lumps & bumps are in all the right places I am sure of it...LOL xx

Lol thanks girl!

Although I'm sure most of my lumps and bumps referred to as cellulite and fat deposits lol

X x x

09-09-11, 16:18
Yh I'm being stupid. I need a new hobby.

On the plus side I've been thinking aot less about my phantom oral cancer x x x

That's the problem i find. When you stop worrying about one thing you always find something else to worry about.

Anyway Gemma i can assure you that you are fine and there is nothing abnormal about what you have described.

Gemma T
09-09-11, 16:20
My stroke symptoms have gone so it's all good lol xxx

Oh mine r still there I just figured my head injury carries imminent death and the cancer can wait lol

09-09-11, 16:23
Oh mine r still there I just figured my head injury carries imminent death and the cancer can wait lol

I've got Aids as well...lol...
Must have been from all the chimp meat I ate last night..xxx

Gemma T
09-09-11, 16:46
I've got Aids as well...lol...
Must have been from all the chimp meat I ate last night..xxx


Careful! Might b airbourne lol

That's it I'm ****ed as well lol

09-09-11, 17:18

Careful! Might b airbourne lol

That's it I'm ****ed as well lol

At least we will have it together....xxx

Gemma T
09-09-11, 18:21
lol no matter how crazy we are we certainly know how to laugh x x x