View Full Version : Road to recovery

07-09-11, 18:56
Hi everyone! :)

I just thought i'd fill you in on how im doing on my road to recovery! :) As you probably realise i havn't posted on here for a little while which im really proud of. :) Its been hard at times, and at times its been easier, but i don't think i would have realised how much i needed to sort my life out if it wasn't for this website, so i thankyou for that! :)

Basically i realised how much sadness i was causing for myself and my family, i just had to make things change! I knew it was time for me to move on and defeat anxiety once and for all! I thought to myself, 'I can do this, just ignore the symptoms and get on with life', and thats exactly what ive been doing. Although i still get the symptoms i don't feel as anxious about my health anymore, i could think to myself 'well if im not anxious why am i getting the symptoms?' but no they are all normal! :) (i hope). I still get anxious when talking to people, i feel my face go bright red and red hot, i am very self concious and don't have any confidence, but i think the health anxiety is my main priority at the moment.

I have worked out a way of getting through my anxiety, i block my thoughts in my head, as soon as i feel a bad thought coming on, ive learnt how to block it out and immediately do something that will eventually take my mind off things. I was going to result in starting to take medications, but i knew its not good to start taking meds at such a young age, i thought of my family and how much i love them, i want to stop making them miserable, and i want to start enjoying life again! :)

Here are some tips that have proven to be very helpful with me:

- As soon as i feel myself starting to worry about a symptom, i block it out, it sounds harder than it is.. but believe me, when you have done it once you will be able to do it all the time. :) It really does change the way you think from the first time you do it. Just think happy thoughts and occupy your mind immediately.

- Be around family and friends, this helps me alot!
- Make sure your always smiling, although you might feel down, when people see you smiling it cheers them up, therefore it will cheer you up seeing other people happy! :)

- Get out and about, and treat yourself to things :)

I know these are probably only things that would help me, but i just wanted to share with everyone ways in which im on my road to recovery :) Its only early stages, and i will probably end up posting on No more panic about symptoms sooner or later, but there are bound to be bad days.... Come on everyone you can do this!! :) If i can you can!! :)

Sorry about the long post, lots of love x

paula lynne
07-09-11, 22:22
Thats a GREAT post, its fantastic to read something so positive :D
Whatever youre doing, keep doing it, well done! :yahoo:
Paula x

08-09-11, 09:29
Wow, I wish I was as strong as you. I've managed to have a couple of good days in the past week but I am really struggling today. I'm going to take on board your tips on getting past it to see if it can help me. Some daysI find that I just haven't got the energy or stamina to get me through a whole day. The worst thing about anxiety and all these horrible symptoms is that it's hard to see an end as it's not like a normal illness where you know that it'll be over in a few days.

I'm really happy for you, I don't know how you've managed to do it. It must've been so difficult. I hope I can beat it one day.

macc noodle
08-09-11, 09:52
Duke honey - WELL DONE :hugs:

Keep on going - yes there will be bumps in the road - but real life is all about managing the bumps along with the smooth bits !!!

I knew you had the strength xxxxxxxxxxx

08-09-11, 11:49
good luck duke hope it goes well for you xxxx

08-09-11, 12:55
Thank you for this post. It's nice to see somebody really succeeding in beating this, and read something positive and uplifting. I wonder if we should start a thread to post when we have positive experiences in fighting anxiety. It might be a good motivator. Is there one out there already?

08-09-11, 12:55
Forgot to add - Congratulations and you are doing awesome!!!!:D

08-09-11, 17:37
Thankyou everyone for your lovely replys! :) I am still finding it extremely hard but im glad its made you all feel better seeing something that can keep you motivated! :) I think it would be a great idea to start a thread about positive experiences with beating anxiety :) Good luck to you all! :) xx