View Full Version : Should I go or should I stay?

07-09-11, 19:05
Have posted this in here because I am wondering whether my house is actually causing me lots of anxiety. Nothing wrong with it, just a lot of bad memories and to be honest not many good :(

My ex and I bought it in 2000 and we lived here, did it up and then we split in 2005 and I left. We then got back together in 2007 but we let this place out and bought another one.

I left him for good after another 2 years (never go back lol!!!!) and moved back into this house in 2009.

Now I am thinking that this place holds too many memories and although it really is a lovely place I think I need to sell it and start afresh. I don't want to rush into anything but I feel the memories are causing me too much anxiety. Specially as my youngest left in July :(

Question is: Do I go or should I stay?

07-09-11, 19:14
new house new start :-)
I always like moving because it's so rejuvenating a fresh start in a new place.
Only you know if your ready to go though. x