View Full Version : Moving

07-09-11, 19:47
I bought a house with my fiance 9 months ago. I have managed to visit it 5 times now. It is only 3 miles from my parents house where I am currently living. I was housebound for the majority of the past decade. I started driving again a few months ago just in my parents neighborhood. I drove myself to my new house on Saturday and attempted to spend the entire weekend with my fiance but I only lasted 1 night. I left early Sunday morning completely exhausted. I tried to nap on Saturday but I wasn't comfortable enough to stay asleep. When I finally fell asleep Saturday night I was awake again in 1/2 hour. I got up at 5:30am on Sunday and returned to my parents house.

How long do you think it will take for me to feel at home there? I had scary thoughts and near panic a few times. I also had moments of feeling almost at home. I think alot of what I felt was due to exhaustion because of all the work I did there on Saturday. I mowed the lawn which strangely enough was the time I felt most serene. Sometimes I fell very anxious when I mow the lawn.

Veronica H
07-09-11, 23:49
How long do you think it will take for me to feel at home there? .....just keep practicing and soon enough it will feel like home. Well done for getting out there and the progress you have made so far. :bighug1:Best wishes Vx

08-09-11, 11:51
You may not like to hear it, but the quickest way is to just move in and stay, the anxiety worry and panic will without doubt pass, or the safe option is to keep visiting and trying to stay weekends until it passes.

08-09-11, 17:41
Thank you for your replies!

After I posted this yesterday I realized that the amount of time it will take to feel at home will depend on the amount of effort I put into being there. :blush:

I felt as anxious there as I did when I flew across the USA to California 21 years ago. I always figured I felt that anxious because I was so far away from home. This past weekend I was only 3 miles away. I realized that I felt the same way because just like my trip to California, I was outside of safe zone.

I know it won't be easy but I will try to accept the anxiety and I will try to relax while I am there.
