View Full Version : mindfulness ?

07-09-11, 21:58
hi has anyone done a mindfulness course as cause of my gad my doc referd me to it and i started it for the first time last week.but i dont think its for me as i was anxoiuse travelling there on the bus on my own and when i got there there was about ten other people there who was starting it as it is a group one , and when im anxiouse and sitting i rock back and forth and my legs are strait and crossed and raised off the floor and i feel that every one is looking at me which makes me more anxiouse because im aware im doing it and cant seem to relax to stop it and i started to think that mabe i havent got anxiety because of the way i was behaveing and looking around at the other people who was there who suffer with anxiety like me wasnt behaving the way i was they looked calm and relaxed so it made me feel worse.im suposed to go tomorrow but i dont really want to go because also im no good with understanding what some words mean when they give u home work to do and i dont want to imbarress myself by asking what they mean in front of the other poeple as u dont get one to one there . so as any one one else been on one and does it help u and also does any one else who suffer with anxiety have phycical body signs when anxiouse or is it just me any advice would be gratefull thank you

07-09-11, 23:00

Try and stick with the class as mindfulness can be a really good aid to stopping the constant mind chatter most people have with anxiety. i've never been to just a mindfulness class but we do practice it at the yoga class I go to. :)

Also just because people looked calm from the outside doesn't mean they are calm. Some people are very good at hiding their anxiety so just imagine that they are feeling just like you. It new to you all and I think you are very brave going on your own. You should be proud and not be so hard on yourself.

Please go to your next class and see how it goes. If you really don't like it just excuse yourself and come back in when you are feeling better.

Hope you go
