View Full Version : How do you "just do it"?

08-09-11, 00:12

I have really wanted to get a tattoo ever since my grandad died as he was an inspiration to me, especially musically, then when my mum nearly died it reinforced it in my mind that it was something i really want to do. The problem is i'm too bloody scared to do it. I have gotten as far as sitting in the chair and the needle was an inch away from my skin but i bottled it!

Everyone around me is saying "just do it" all you have to do is sit in a chair but for me that doesnt help. I dont understand how if your so scared of something that you can "just do it". The funny thing is, i'm not scared of needles, i have no problem with injections, they don't hurt me and in a sick way i enjoy it! lol

So my question is does anyone have any tips or ideas on how you can make yourself do something that you dont want to do because you know the outcome will be worth it? This would also be helpful for any other situations too.

Thanks in advance.

08-09-11, 00:33
It is not a pain like a needle, its an annoying ache, its like someone constantly lightly scratching you.

Make sure deep down you really truly want the tattoo as it is there for life.

If you really are focused on wanting it done, take a friend with you for support, my daughter had one on her foot a few weeks ago, she doesn't suffer with any anx at all but was still anxious with the thought of it, i had mine done 20 years ago and have mine recoloured every so many years, it still makes me anxious too.

If its really something you have thought about and really want it then you will be fine, think carefully about where you want it, remember we all get older.

di xx

08-09-11, 01:01
It's anticipation , the more you put it off the more freaked out you become.
You could ask the artist to do a dry run , without ink so you know how it feels .
Where are you getting it done? The more fat there the less it hurts.
It doesn't feel like injections, it feels more like a scratch .
It's not unbearable , you can stop when ever you want and take a break.

I suggest leaving it for now as your putting yourself under pressure.
Can you maybe hang around the tattoo shop and watch people being tattooed it would help you feel more comfortable with the process in general and you will see first hand there's not too much pain involved

paula lynne
08-09-11, 09:22
Hiya x
The only way to get rid of the fear of doing something is...to go and do it.
Take a photo of your grandpa with you, maybe download some music on your phone and listen to it.......
Ive got 4 tattoos.......if the first one had been that bad I would never have had the rest, not good with pain hahah!

Be 100% sure of the design and where you have it.....skin close to bone really hurts, skin laid with fat like the hips or bum isnt as painful.

Good luck!
Paula x

08-09-11, 16:00
Thanks everyone thats really helpful. I will definitely take the photo and music with me when i go for it. I'm not sure where i'm going to go for it yet as i'm trying to find the best place to go but with not knowing many people here its hard to find anyone who can give me advice on the best place.

Thanks again.xx

08-09-11, 18:17
Years ago I wanted to get my belly button pierced, I put my self under so much pressure that I couldn't go trough with it in the end.
Glad I didn't get that piercing now.
But I've since got other piercings and tattoo's, most of them by the same artist,
So finding someone you are comfortable with really makes a big difference :)

It helps to try and get excited about it , rather than anxious, even if you just pretend the anxiety is really excitement.

Just see if you can find the tattoo shops on facebook. most them will have a page and photos you can look at .
Also try and go into some shops, just look around and look through the photos and magazines and you'll get a feel for everything.
Tattoo artists are used to people spending hours in their shop just looking but they know too its also part of getting comfortable with the idea.
Most tattoo artists are very much friendly and nice and they deal with anxious people every day.
There's not much they haven't seen!