View Full Version : New Member

15-05-06, 10:27
I came across this site when searching for possible cures for my anxiety and agoraphobia, it looks really helpful and I'm looking forward to talking to some of you.

I've had anxiety (I think that's the best way to describe it now for about 4 years). It started after I met my fiance, when I was working about an hours drive away from my home, I felt so far away from him and my family. It sounds crazy just writing about it but I used to dread going to work every day in case anything happened to me and I had a panic attack and was so far away from home. It ended up in me taking a lot of time off and eventually leaving. I

I'm now working closer to home but for a while after I changed jobs it was awful driving to work on my own, I used to dread getting stuck in a traffic jam or at the train level crossing. I had to ring my fiance and talk to him practically all the way. Things are a bit better now but I still don't like driving on motorways even with him in the car in case we get stuck in a traffic jam and can't escape.

I'm frightened of going too far away from home which limits us when going on holiday. Two years ago we went on holiday to Somerset (about 3 hours drive from where we live) and I hated every minute of it, I just felt so far away from home and frightened almost all of the time. I couldn't explain why though.

My fiance is a taxi driver and I dread him being given long distance jobs as it would mean that he would be a long way away from me. I'm not too sure what I'm frightened of happening when he's away but it still scares me. Every little ache or pain I get, I convince myself I have some life threatening disease and that sends me into panic. I have digestion problems when eating which then makes me frightened of eating the next time dinner comes round.

When I was at my worst and still in my previous job I went to the doctor and she prescribed me an antidepressant that she said would help with the panic. I took one and it put me on such a high, I honestly thought I was going to die. It intensified the feelings of panic so much, I couldn't sit down or concentrate or anything, I thought I was going mad. My Mum rang my fiance who came round straight away and between them they calmed me down. The next day I threw the tablets in the bin. Since then, yep you guessed it, I've been frightened to take any other tablet even pain killers. I'm not frightened of what the tablet will do, just what my reaction will be to taking it.

Sometimes I have good times, months when I don't get any of these feelings. Other times like now, they come back and I feel anxious about everything and feel as if I'll never lead a normal life ever again. We want children in a couple of years but just at the moment I'm too frightened to even contenplate that and feel that it would be impossible.

Sorry this is a bit of a lenghty introduction. That's it for now. Hope to talk to some of you soon Txx

15-05-06, 10:36
hi tatters
and welcome.. if you read some posts youll see your not alone with what your going through.. i, too, hate traffic and get panic even if i see traffic jam on tv, i feel sick! the way you feel with meds is very comon too..we either wont take them or read up everything possible including the possible side effects a hundred times...hope to chat to you xxxxxxxx

jools xx

15-05-06, 11:54
hi tatters!You are in good company and am so glad you found this forum!Read JayK's post,he puts it sooooo well,the feelings of being trapped etc!!Well everyone here has their story and all are worth reading,i was simply soi mpressed by his story i think it will help you too!You are not alone sweetie with all this.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

15-05-06, 12:02
Hi Tatters, and welcome. I can relate with the medicine. I don't remember anything bad actually happening to me in taking any but I really do not trust them and fear the side effects much more than any actual benefit. I don't mind lemsips but that's about it :)

Hope you find what youa re looking for here.

15-05-06, 12:45
Hi Tatters.

Welcome to the site. You will find lots of support here! Why don't you pop in the chat room sometime?

x x

15-05-06, 12:53
Welcome, you'll find a lot of support here


'This too will pass'

15-05-06, 15:03
Welcome to the site Tatters!
Love Helen

15-05-06, 16:06
Hiya Hun

Im also a fellow sufferer re the agoraphobia & anxiety so you are certainly not alone. There are quite a few others the same on here too.

You will find lots of great support, advice & help on here.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

19-05-06, 17:32
Welcome to NMP!

20-05-06, 13:35

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'