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View Full Version : Having a panic attack as we speak ! Please help

08-09-11, 02:31
Ive woke u went te toilet which went into a major panic attack, sitting at my front door taking deep breathes mananged to control it but why does the area where my heart is feel cold inside, is that common!! Am so scared !!! :(

08-09-11, 04:06
Hi Pauline,

Hope you're feeling better and the worst has passed! Personally I've never had the feeling that my heart is cold but please remember your brain is very powerful and can convince you of anything happening. I've been in the midst of a panic attack, thinking my heart has stopped cause I can't feel it beating, when really it's racing and if it had stopped it wouldn't have been able to beg for an ambulance.

Lisa x

08-09-11, 04:08
Hiya, thank you for replying, am feeling much better now thanks. When you have an attack do you feel like something is rushing over you? I feel like this and my heart quickens, feels like your going to loose control and faint !!


08-09-11, 04:16
Yeah all the time. I could be wrong but i'm pretty sure it's the adrenaline being released into your bloodstream. When you go into panic mode your body prepares to 'fight or flight' so adrenaline is released and your heart races, the blood is diverted away from your stomach and your breathing changes. This all causes the faint feeling and my favourite - jelly legs :)

Are panic attacks a new thing?

Lisa x

08-09-11, 17:09
I've been in the midst of a panic attack, thinking my heart has stopped cause I can't feel it beating.

I've had that same experience during many of my panic attacks. I've tried pushing my hand to my chest just to make sure my heart really is beating, but I can't feel it. :wacko:

08-09-11, 19:47
Hi Pauline , i have just joined this site and your post was the first i read , as i suffer from what you discribed , and have done so for around 30 years , I am currently going through a bad time as i want to learn to drive so much and these panic attacks are really getting me down ,how are you doing now ?

08-09-11, 22:46
This isnt the first time I've had panic attacks, been having them since my 2nd daughter was born 9 years ago. I have depression and alot of things happen in my life. When am in stressful situations I start with the panic attacks and I would say since about May its been a really stressful time for me so the panic attacks returned in about July. Am trying to keep them under control but its hard when only thinking of them brings one on !

Welcome to the site Suzanne1, you will find alot of friends here in similar situations and its really good to talk to people who are experiancing the same. I hope you find alot of comfort on here and realise your not alone. I hate new situations too and because of my depression I have no motavation to try new things which really gets me down. I am feeling much better now thanks, just come in from work and am exhausted lol but scared to go to bed too :( Hope your ok xx