View Full Version : Hello to you all

08-09-11, 12:32
I have just joined, and so pleased to have found this site.

I have suffered with anxiety/panic for many years, it all started with my first bout of depression back in 1996. I have heard of anxiety and panic being described is a "form of mental scar" left behind kind of like a scar left from an open wound, it never goes... I can believe that because prior to my depression I never had any problems.
Everyday is a battle and the slightest thing can trigger it then it can last for weeks at a time.

I am using a herbal remedy at the moment hoping to relieve the symtoms I have been getting for a few weeks ( been though an unsettling time the last few weeks)

I hope to gain useful info on dealing with this "darkness" that comes over me arghh:weep: and meet other people going through it, so good to be able to see I am not the only one and my symtoms are not all "in my head" and imagined, I also hope I can support others when the going gets tough for them too :bighug1:

love to you all and hope you have sunny days and no clouds overhead :)

08-09-11, 12:33
Hi Jan07

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

miss tink
08-09-11, 12:51
hi Jan07.... im new to this too... ive suffered with Anxiety now for 9 years... ive had worse times.. right now im in a good place but the smallest thing can trigger me off again... im lucky in the respect that i have a very supportive husband, my parents also try to understand... im now at the stage where id like to maybe start a family but soooo soooo frightened its all gonna go badly wrong?!!!! tink x

08-09-11, 13:05
Anxiety gets to you like sometimes it's the negative thoughts , sometimes my mind over rambles and I think way beyond the here and now , it can be hard to stay focused and positive but you are lucky to have support from the important people in your life, I do tend to keep things bottled up and try to deal with it myself...maybe that is my downfall sometimes, anyway you are at good place if you are thinking of starting a family try to stay positive if you can and kick those neg thought to the curb. x

08-09-11, 15:07
hi and :welcome: to nmp

08-09-11, 16:15
Hi Jan :welcome:to the forum.

Vanilla Sky
08-09-11, 16:38
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Paige x