View Full Version : Citalopram... feeling much worse :S

08-09-11, 12:47
I only started using Citalopram yesterday but within an hour was feeling sick, nausea and dizziness. That part is ok, I can deal with that, but I've been feeling much lower than I have done. I'm being treated for depression and anxiety and haven't stopped feeling really on edge and am having feelings of 'it's never going to end, and there's no way I can solve this'. I'm not suicidal at all just seems like I'm in a total rut. I have all the physical feelings of anxiety, I have a dull ache of worry constantly and get sharp jabs of it at regular intervals. I've also totally lost my appetite (as I always do when I get badly anxious). Anyone had anything similar? How long did it last? Cheers.

Layla Darling
08-09-11, 12:56

I am currently taking Citalopram and although it does eventually work the only downside is that it takes about 10 days to start working and the first 10 days or so you do tend to feel much worse, but if you ride it through you will get better. As hard as it is sounds, just try to stay positive and keep telling yourself that you will get better.

Take care of yourself.


08-09-11, 13:19
Hi Becky

Have a read of this:


08-09-11, 14:51
Thank you both for your replies :) Layla I am trying to stay positive and will just need to think about the fact it wont last forever. Nicola, the booklet was really useful, I feel a bit more reassured about the side effects and it has answered questions I hadn't even thought of yet! Cheers :)