View Full Version : ergh why!!

08-09-11, 15:38
ive been on this for 2 months (20mg) i feel no different?! why?!!! i had such high hopes :blush:

08-09-11, 17:42
Don't get too down, cit can work really slowly I've gradually improved over the past 7 months. Anxiety can be deep rooted and slow to shift. It drains your body and this takes a long time to recover.

12-09-11, 22:47
Try 30mg! I noticed a huuuuuuge improvement going from 20 to 30.
All the best, I know it's tuff but hang in there! I was asking the same questions, I just upped the dose myself because I couldn't get to see my regular doc.
I went last Friday and told her what I did so she then said I'd done the right thing and put me on 40 !!! Seems to make me more tired! But I'm gonna give it a week.

13-09-11, 15:06
thank you for replies.

ive made an appoitment for 10 days time. its so dam frustrating. I think 30mg is the way to go, fingers crossed