View Full Version : 6 week slump?

08-09-11, 16:16
Hey guys
Been on citalopram 20mg 6 weeks today.
The first 2 weeks were rotten , oh god but anyway i made it through and on the up !
at about 4 weeks i was feeling great all the physical anxiety dissappeared i dont get any sweating heart palpitations etc and the chest tightness etc all gone!
5 weeks was much the same then after that I felt like i was losing the momentum a bit. i found myself getting waves of almost depression it felt like. the feeling of dread i had been getting with panic attacks without the physical sensations every few days.
I started to have to take a xanax which i really hate doing. The last few days i have felt very down at points hitting real lows which i havent experienced.
Do you think i have plateued a bit ?
has this happened anyone else?
or could it be my body has adjusted to the 20mg and i need a higher dosage now?

08-09-11, 16:22
You might need a higher dose, It might be a good idea to speak to the doc.
I went up to 40 mg and since then have felt so much better:)

08-09-11, 16:43
going to go to doctor tomorrow :)
thank you!
how long did it take for you to notice the difference on the new dose?